Jeno Solyom
Jeno Solyom
Wigner Physics Research Center
Потвърден имейл адрес: szfki.hu
The Fermi gas model of one-dimensional conductors
J Sólyom
Advances in Physics 28 (2), 201-303, 1979
Fundamentals of the Physics of Solids
J Sólyom
Springer-Verlag New York, Inc, 2007
Optimizing the density-matrix renormalization group method using quantum information entropy
Ö Legeza, J Sólyom
Physical Review B 68 (19), 195116, 2003
Magnetic structures and exchange interactions in the Mn-Pt system
E Krén, G Kádár, L Pál, J Sólyom, P Szabó, T Tarnóczi
Physical review 171 (2), 574, 1968
Application of the renormalization group technique to the problem of phase transition in one-dimensional metallic systems. I. Invariant couplings, vertex, and one-particle …
N Menyhárd, J Sólyom
Journal of Low Temperature Physics 12, 529-545, 1973
Deformation induced martensitic transformation in stainless steels
E Nagy, V Mertinger, F Tranta, J Sólyom
Materials Science and Engineering: A 378 (1-2), 308-313, 2004
Quantum data compression, quantum information generation, and the density-matrix renormalization-group method
Ö Legeza, J Sólyom
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 70 (20), 205118, 2004
Two-site entropy and quantum phase transitions in low-dimensional models
Ö Legeza, J Sólyom
Physical review letters 96 (11), 116401, 2006
Genetic homogeneity of autoimmune polyglandular disease type I
P Björses, J Aaltonen, A Vikman, J Perheentupa, G Ben-Zion, ...
American journal of human genetics 59 (4), 879, 1996
Search for the nondimerized quantum nematic phase in the spin-1 chain
G Fáth, J Sólyom
Physical Review B 51 (6), 3620, 1995
Fundamentals of the Physics of Solids: Volume II: Electronic Properties
J Sólyom
Springer Science & Business Media, 2008
Phase transitions between topologically distinct gapped phases in isotropic spin ladders
EH Kim, G Fáth, J Sólyom, DJ Scalapino
Physical Review B 62 (22), 14965, 2000
Period tripling in the bilinear-biquadratic antiferromagnetic S= 1 chain
G Fáth, J Sólyom
Physical Review B 44 (21), 11836, 1991
Application of the renormalization group technique to the problem of phase transition in one-dimensional metallic systems. II. Response functions and the ground-state problem
J Sólyom
Journal of Low Temperature Physics 12, 547-558, 1973
Renormalization-group study of the Hamiltonian version of the Potts model
J Sólyom, P Pfeuty
Physical Review B 24 (1), 218, 1981
Ground-state properties of axially anisotropic quantum Heisenberg chains
J Sólyom, TAL Ziman
Physical Review B 30 (7), 3980, 1984
One-dimensional Hubbard model in a magnetic field and the multicomponent Tomonaga-Luttinger model
K Penc, J Sólyom
Physical Review B 47 (11), 6273, 1993
Probable absence of a quadrupolar spin-nematic phase in the bilinear-biquadratic spin-1 chain
K Buchta, G Fáth, Ö Legeza, J Sólyom
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 72 (5), 054433, 2005
Effects of pre-treatments on the corrosion properties of electroless Ni–P layers deposited on AlMg2 alloy
D Takács, L Sziráki, TI Török, J Sólyom, Z Gácsi, K Gál-Solymos
Surface and Coatings Technology 201 (8), 4526-4535, 2007
Strain-induced martensitic transformation in textured austenitic stainless steels
V Mertinger, E Nagy, F Tranta, J Sólyom
Materials Science and Engineering: A 481, 718-722, 2008
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