Prashant Swapnil
Prashant Swapnil
School of Basic Science, Department of Botany, Central University of Punjab,
Потвърден имейл адрес: cup.edu.in
Regulation of L-proline biosynthesis, signal transduction, transport, accumulation and its vital role in plants during variable environmental conditions
M Meena, K Divyanshu, S Kumar, P Swapnil, A Zehra, V Shukla, M Yadav, ...
Heliyon 5 (12), 2019
Cyanobacteria as a source of biofertilizers for sustainable agriculture
D Chittora, M Meena, T Barupal, P Swapnil, K Sharma
Biochemistry and biophysics reports 22, 100737, 2020
PGPR‐mediated induction of systemic resistance and physiochemical alterations in plants against the pathogens: Current perspectives
M Meena, P Swapnil, K Divyanshu, S Kumar, Harish, YN Tripathi, A Zehra, ...
Journal of Basic Microbiology 60 (10), 828-861, 2020
Vital roles of carotenoids in plants and humans to deteriorate stress with its structure, biosynthesis, metabolic engineering and functional aspects
P Swapnil, M Meena, SK Singh, UP Dhuldhaj, A Marwal
Current Plant Biology 26, 100203, 2021
Alternaria Toxins: Potential Virulence Factors and Genes Related to Pathogenesis
M Meena, SK Gupta, P Swapnil, A Zehra, MK Dubey, RS Upadhyay
Frontiers in microbiology 8, 1451, 2017
Efficiency of microbial bio-agents as elicitors in plant defense mechanism under biotic stress: A review
A Zehra, NA Raytekar, M Meena, P Swapnil
Current Research in Microbial Sciences 2, 100054, 2021
Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria as a green alternative for sustainable agriculture
H Chandran, M Meena, P Swapnil
Sustainability 13 (19), 10986, 2021
Antagonistic assessment of Trichoderma spp. by producing volatile and non-volatile compounds against different fungal pathogens
M Meena, P Swapnil, A Zehra, MK Dubey, RS Upadhyay
Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection 50 (13-14), 629-648, 2017
Beneficial microbes for disease suppression and plant growth promotion
M Meena, P Swapnil, A Zehra, M Aamir, MK Dubey, J Goutam, ...
Plant-Microbe Interactions in Agro-Ecological Perspectives: Volume 2 …, 2017
Isolation, characterization and toxicological potential of Alternaria-mycotoxins (TeA, AOH and AME) in different Alternaria species from various regions of India
M Meena, P Swapnil, RS Upadhyay
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 8777, 2017
Role of elicitors to initiate the induction of systemic resistance in plants to biotic stress
M Meena, G Yadav, P Sonigra, A Nagda, T Mehta, P Swapnil, A Marwal
Plant Stress 5, 100103, 2022
Virulence factors and their associated genes in microbes
M Meena, P Swapnil, A Zehra, M Aamir, MK Dubey, CB Patel, ...
New and future developments in microbial biotechnology and bioengineering …, 2019
Endophytic nanotechnology: an approach to study scope and potential applications
M Meena, A Zehra, P Swapnil, Harish, A Marwal, G Yadav, P Sonigra
Frontiers in Chemistry 9, 613343, 2021
Evaluation of morpho-physiological growth parameters of tomato in response to Cd induced toxicity and characterization of metal sensitive NRAMP3 transporter protein
M Meena, M Aamir, V Kumar, P Swapnil, RS Upadhyay
Environmental and Experimental Botany 148, 144-167, 2018
Harish; Tripathi, YN; Zehra, A.; Marwal, A.; Upadhyay, RS PGPR-mediated induction of systemic resistance and physiochemical alterations in plants against the pathogens: Current …
M Meena, P Swapnil, K Divyanshu, S Kumar
J. Basic Microbiol 60, 828-861, 2020
Soil microbiome: Diversity, benefits and interactions with plants
P Chauhan, N Sharma, A Tapwal, A Kumar, GS Verma, M Meena, ...
Sustainability 15 (19), 14643, 2023
Regulation of WRKY genes in plant defence with beneficial fungus Trichoderma: current perspectives and future prospects
M Meena, P Swapnil
Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection 52 (1-2), 1-17, 2019
Physiological responses to salt stress of salt-adapted and directly salt (NaCl and NaCl+Na2SO4 mixture)-stressed cyanobacterium Anabaena fertilissima
P Swapnil, AK Rai
Protoplasma 255, 963-976, 2018
Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR): Approaches to alleviate abiotic stresses for enhancement of growth and development of medicinal plants
R Kumar, P Swapnil, M Meena, S Selpair, BG Yadav
Sustainability 14 (23), 15514, 2022
Isolation, characterization and toxicological potential of tenuazonic acid, alternariol and alternariol monomethyl ether produced by Alternaria species phytopathogenic on plants
M Meena, P Swapnil, RS Upadhyay
Sci. Rep 7 (8777), 10.1038, 2017
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