Justin Reeves
Justin Reeves
Потвърден имейл адрес: colostate.edu
Grazing intensity differentially regulates ANPP response to precipitation in North American semiarid grasslands
JGN Irisarri, JD Derner, LM Porensky, DJ Augustine, JL Reeves, ...
Ecological Applications 26 (5), 1370-1380, 2016
Vision should not be overlooked as an important sensory modality for finding host plants
JL Reeves
Environmental Entomology 40 (4), 855-863, 2011
Depth matters: soil pH and dilution effects in the northern Great Plains
JL Reeves, MA Liebig
Soil Science Society of America Journal 80 (5), 1424-1427, 2016
Seasonal weather influences on yearling beef steer production in C3-dominated Northern Great Plains rangeland
JL Reeves, JD Derner, MA Sanderson, JR Hendrickson, SL Kronberg, ...
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 183, 110-117, 2014
Temperature and precipitation affect steer weight gains differentially by stocking rate in northern mixed-grass prairie
JL Reeves, JD Derner, MA Sanderson, MK Petersen, LT Vermeire, ...
Rangeland Ecology & Management 66 (4), 438-444, 2013
Vision is important for plant location by the phytophagous aquatic specialist Euhrychiopsis lecontei Dietz (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)
JL Reeves, PD Lorch, MW Kershner
Journal of insect behavior 22 (1), 54-64, 2009
Increased seed consumption by biological control weevil tempers positive CO2 effect on invasive plant (Centaurea diffusa) fitness
JL Reeves, DM Blumenthal, JA Kray, JD Derner
Biological Control 84, 36-43, 2015
Biological control of Eurasian watermilfoil by Euhrychiopsis lecontei: assessing efficacy and timing of sampling
JL Reeves, PD Lorch, MW Kershner, MA Hilovsky
cana (Hydrocharitaceae) 61, 846-866, 2008
Climate change effects on biological control of invasive plants by insects
JL Reeves
CAB Reviews 12 (001), 2017
Seasonal temperature and precipitation effects on cow–calf production in northern mixed-grass prairie
JL Reeves, JD Derner, MA Sanderson, MK Petersen, LT Vermeire, ...
Livestock Science 155 (2-3), 355-363, 2013
Soil pH and exchangeable cation responses to tillage and fertilizer in dryland cropping systems
JL Reeves, MA Liebig
Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 47 (21), 2396-2404, 2016
Visual Plant Differentiation by the Milfoil Weevil, Euhrychiopsis lecontei Dietz (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)
JL Reeves, PD Lorch
Journal of Insect Behavior 22, 473-476, 2009
A century of grazing: the value of long-term research
MA Sanderson, MA Liebig, JR Hendrickson, SL Kronberg, D Toledo, ...
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 71 (1), 5A-8A, 2016
Long-term agroecosystem research on northern Great Plains mixed-grass prairie near Mandan, North Dakota
MA Sanderson, MA Liebig, JR Hendrickson, SL Kronberg, D Toledo, ...
Canadian Journal of Plant Science 95 (6), 1101-1116, 2015
Seasonal weather-related decision making for cattle production in the Northern Great Plains
JL Reeves, JD Derner, MA Sanderson, SL Kronberg, JR Hendrickson, ...
Rangelands 37 (3), 119-124, 2015
Biological control of invasive aquatic and wetland plants by arthropods: a meta-analysis of data from the last three decades
JL Reeves, PD Lorch
BioControl 57, 103-116, 2012
Modeling weather and stocking rate effects on forage and steer production in northern mixed-grass prairie
QX Fang, AA Andales, JD Derner, LR Ahuja, L Ma, PNS Bartling, ...
Agricultural Systems 129, 103-114, 2014
Climatic and management determinants of large herbivore production in semiarid grassland
JD Derner, EJ Raynor, JL Reeves, DJ Augustine, DG Milchunas
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 290, 106761, 2020
Estimating overnight weight loss of corralled yearling steers in semiarid rangeland
JD Derner, JL Reeves, MC Mortenson, M West, JG Irisarri, M Durante
Rangelands 38 (3), 101-104, 2016
Evaluating plant biodiversity measurements and exotic species detection in National Resources Inventory Sampling protocols using examples from the Northern Great Plains of the USA
D Toledo, M Sanderson, H Johnson, JL Reeves, JD Derner, L Vermeire, ...
Ecological Indicators 46, 149-155, 2014
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