Taqwa Hariguna
Taqwa Hariguna
Universitas Amikom Purwokerto
Потвърден имейл адрес: amikompurwokerto.ac.id - Начална страница
Design framework on tertiary education system in Indonesia using blockchain technology
U Rahardja, AN Hidayanto, T Hariguna, Q Aini
2019 7th International Conference on Cyber and IT Service Management (CITSM …, 2019
Understanding impact sustainable intention of s-commerce activities: The role of customer experiences, perceived value, and mediation of relationship quality
U Rahardja, T Hongsuchon, T Hariguna, A Ruangkanjanases
Sustainability 13 (20), 11492, 2021
The impact of customer experience on customer behavior intention use in social media commerce, an extended expectation confirmation model: An empirical study
I Wijaya, A Rai, T Hariguna
Management Science Letters 9 (12), 2009-2020, 2019
Understanding the Impact of Determinants in Game Learning Acceptance: An Empirical Study.
U Rahardja, T Hariguna, Q Aini
International Journal of Education and Practice 7 (3), 136-145, 2019
Understanding how gamification influences behaviour in education
Q Aini, T Hariguna, POH Putra, U Rahardja
International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering …, 2019
Assessing the impact of online-learning effectiveness and benefits in knowledge management, the antecedent of online-learning strategies and motivations: An empirical study
T Hongsuchon, IMME Emary, T Hariguna, EMA Qhal
Sustainability 14 (5), 2570, 2022
Effect of social media activities to determinants public participate intention of e-government
T Hariguna, U Rahardja, Q Aini
Procedia Computer Science 161, 233-241, 2019
Blockchain technology transformation in advancing future change
T Hariguna, Y Durachman, M Yusup, S Millah
Blockchain Frontier Technology 1 (01), 13-20, 2021
Understanding of antecedents to achieve customer trust and customer intention to purchase e-commerce in social media, an empirical assessment
T Hariguna, B Berlilana
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 7 (3), 1240, 2017
Opinion mining on e-commerce data using sentiment analysis and k-medoid clustering
U Rahardja, T Hariguna, WM Baihaqi
2019 Twelfth International Conference on Ubi-Media Computing (Ubi-Media …, 2019
Understanding information system quality on public e-government service intention: an empirical study
T Hariguna, MT Lai, CW Hung, SC Chen
International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development 11 (2-3 …, 2017
The antecedent of perceived value to determine of student continuance intention and student participate adoption of ilearning
Q Aini, U Rahardja, T Hariguna
Procedia Computer Science 161, 242-249, 2019
Assessing customer intention use of mobile money application and the antecedent of perceived value, economic trust and service trust
T Hariguna, AM Adiandari, A Ruangkanjanases
International Journal of Web Information Systems 16 (3), 331-345, 2020
Understanding of Public Behavioral Intent to Use e-Government Service:: An Extended of Unified Theory of Acceptance Use of Technology and Information System Quality
Berlilana, T Hariguna, Nurfaizah
The impact of citizen perceived value on their intention to use e-government services: an empirical study
T Hariguna, U Rahardja, A Ruangkanjanases
Electronic Government, an International Journal 16 (4), 426-440, 2020
Exploring the moderating effect of technology readiness of user intention in the context of mobile payment service
HT Sukmana, T Hariguna, N Lutfiani, U Rahardja
Int. J. Adv. Trends Comput. Sci. Eng 8 (1.5), 249-257, 2019
Sosialisasi etika penggunaan media sosial untuk mencegah bullying pada siswa mts ushriyyah purbalingga
T Hariguna, R Waluyo
ADI Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 3 (2), 107-113, 2023
The role of E-government ambidexterity as the impact of current technology and public value: an empirical study
T Hariguna, U Rahardja, Sarmini
Informatics 9 (3), 67, 2022
Public behavior as an output of e-government service: the role of new technology integrated in e-government and antecedent of relationship quality
T Hariguna, A Ruangkanjanases, Sarmini
Sustainability 13 (13), 7464, 2021
The Transaction Optimization Of Color Print Sales Through E-Commerce Website Based On Yii Framework On Higher Education
T Hariguna, M Yusup, A Priyadi
Aptisi Transactions On Technopreneurship (ATT) 1 (1), 1-10, 2019
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