Louisa Smith
Louisa Smith
Senior Lecturer, Deakin University
Потвърден имейл адрес: deakin.edu.au
Trading in gender for women in trades: embodying hegemonic masculinity, femininity and being a gender hotrod
L Smith
Construction management and economics 31 (8), 861-873, 2013
Complexity embodied: Using body mapping to understand complex support needs
A Dew, L Smith, S Collings, ID Savage
Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung/Forum: Qualitative Social Research 19 (2), 2018
Working hard with gender: Gendered labour for women in male dominated occupations of manual trades and information technology (IT)
L Smith
Equality, diversity and inclusion: An international journal 32 (6), 592-603, 2013
More, better, or different? NDIS workforce planning for people with intellectual disability and complex support needs
L Dowse, M Wiese, A Dew, L Smith, S Collings, A Didi
Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability 41 (1), 81-84, 2016
Times during transition for young people with complex support needs: Entangled critical moments, static liminal periods and contingent meaning making times
L Smith, L Dowse
Journal of Youth Studies 22 (10), 1327-1344, 2019
Shuttleworth. R. sport in the lives of young people with intellectual disabilities: Negotiating disability, identity and belonging
L Smith, N Wedgwood, G Llewellyn
Journal of sport for development 3 (5), 61-70, 2015
Services to young people with complex support needs in rural and regional Australia: Beyond a metro-centric response
K Ellem, S Baidawi, L Dowse, L Smith
Children and Youth Services Review 99, 97-106, 2019
Thinking through participatory action research with people with late-stage dementia: Research note on mistakes, creative methods and partnerships
L Smith, L Phillipson
International Journal of Social Research Methodology 24 (6), 775-780, 2021
Workforce issues in the Australian National Disability Insurance Scheme: complex support needs ready?
L Dowse, M Wiese, L Smith
Research and Practice in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities 3 (1 …, 2016
‘I don’t feel like I’m in this on my own’: Peer support for mothers of children with intellectual disability and challenging behaviour
A Dew, S Collings, L Dowse, A Meltzer, L Smith
Journal of Intellectual Disabilities 23 (3), 344-358, 2019
Intellectual disability and complex support needs: human rights perspective for policy and practice
A Didi, L Dowse, L Smith
The International Journal of Human Rights 22 (8), 989-1006, 2018
Transcending the professional–client divide: Supporting young people with complex support needs through transitions
K Ellem, L Smith, S Baidawi, A McGhee, L Dowse
Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal 37 (2), 109-122, 2020
Boy interrupted–biographical disruption during the transition to adulthood
N Wedgwood, L Smith, T Hendl, R Shuttleworth
Sociology of health & illness 42 (1), 20-34, 2020
Investigating the lived experience of LGBT+ people with dementia and their care partners: a scoping review
L Smith, I Chesher, K Fredriksen-Goldsen, R Ward, L Phillipson, ...
Ageing & Society 44 (4), 843-866, 2024
A cohesive research approach to assess care-related quality of life: Lessons learned from adapting an easy read survey with older service users with cognitive impairment
L Phillipson, L Smith, J Caiels, AM Towers, S Jenkins
International Journal of Qualitative Methods 18, 1609406919854961, 2019
Exploring the intersection of human rights, health, disability and refugee status: an arts-based approach
R Wells, M Murad, M Higgins, L Smith, C Lenette, J Lappin, A Dew, ...
Australian Journal of Human Rights 26 (3), 387-404, 2020
‘To the Arabic Community Disability Is Not Normal’: Multiple Stakeholder Perceptions of the Understandings of Disability among Iraqi and Syrian People from Refugee Backgrounds
A Dew, C Lenette, L Smith, K Boydell, H Bibby, J Lappin, M Coello, ...
Journal of Refugee Studies 34 (3), 2849-2870, 2021
Complexity and disability: Drawing from a complexity approach to think through disability at the intersections
L Smith, L Dowse
Interdisciplinary approaches to disability, 123-130, 2018
‘In the beginning it was difficult but things got easier’: Service use experiences of family members of people with disability from Iraqi and Syrian refugee backgrounds
A Dew, C Lenette, R Wells, M Higgins, T McMahon, M Coello, S Momartin, ...
Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities 20 (1), 33-44, 2023
Using Journey Mapping to support staff, family members and allies of people with dementia to think and act differently during a care transition: The benefits and limits of care …
L Smith, L Phillipson
Dementia 21 (6), 1873-1889, 2022
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