Managing ditches for agroecological engineering of landscape. A review J Dollinger, C Dagès, JS Bailly, P Lagacherie, M Voltz Agronomy for Sustainable Development 35, 999-1020, 2015 | 164 | 2015 |
Monitoring of an infiltration experiment using the self‐potential method B Suski, A Revil, K Titov, P Konosavsky, M Voltz, C Dagès, O Huttel Water Resources Research 42 (8), 2006 | 107 | 2006 |
Glyphosate sorption to soils and sediments predicted by pedotransfer functions J Dollinger, C Dagès, M Voltz Environmental Chemistry Letters 13 (3), 293-307, 2015 | 83 | 2015 |
Estimating the role of a ditch network in groundwater recharge in a Mediterranean catchment using a water balance approach C Dagès, M Voltz, A Bsaibes, L Prevot, O Huttel, X Louchart, F Garnier, ... Journal of Hydrology 375 (3-4), 498-512, 2009 | 69 | 2009 |
Estimation of the water table throughout a catchment using self-potential and piezometric data in a Bayesian framework N Linde, A Revil, A Boleve, C Dagès, J Castermant, B Suski, M Voltz Journal of Hydrology 334 (1-2), 88-98, 2007 | 64 | 2007 |
OMERE: A long‐term observatory of soil and water resources, in interaction with agricultural and land management in Mediterranean hilly catchments J Molénat, D Raclot, R Zitouna, P Andrieux, G Coulouma, D Feurer, ... Vadose Zone Journal 17 (1), 1-18, 2018 | 32 | 2018 |
An experimental study of water table recharge by seepage losses from a ditch with intermittent flow C Dagès, M Voltz, JG Lacas, O Huttel, S Negro, X Louchart Hydrological Processes: An International Journal 22 (18), 3555-3563, 2008 | 31 | 2008 |
Variability of glyphosate and diuron sorption capacities of ditch beds determined using new indicator-based methods J Dollinger, C Dagès, S Negro, JS Bailly, M Voltz Science of the Total Environment 573, 716-726, 2016 | 22 | 2016 |
OpenFLUID: a software environment for modelling fluxes in landscapes JC Fabre, X Louchart, F Colin, C Dagès, R Moussa, M Rabotin, D Raclot, ... LANDMOD2010. Montpellier, France, 2010 | 22 | 2010 |
Impact of maintenance operations on the seasonal evolution of ditch properties and functions J Dollinger, F Vinatier, M Voltz, C Dagès, JS Bailly Agricultural water management 193, 191-204, 2017 | 21 | 2017 |
Pesticide and agro-ecological transition: assessing the environmental and human impacts of pesticides and limiting their use M Voltz, G Guibaud, C Dagès, JP Douzals, R Guibal, S Grimbuhler, ... Environmental Science and Pollution Research 29 (1), 1-5, 2022 | 20 | 2022 |
Analysis of coupling errors in a physically-based integrated surface water–groundwater model C Dagès, C Paniconi, M Sulis Advances in water resources 49, 86-96, 2012 | 17 | 2012 |
Parameterization and evaluation of a three-dimensional modelling approach to water table recharge from seepage losses in a ditch C Dagès, M Voltz, P Ackerer Journal of Hydrology 348 (3-4), 350-362, 2008 | 17 | 2008 |
Using fluorescent dyes as proxies to study herbicide removal by sorption in buffer zones J Dollinger, C Dagès, M Voltz Environmental Science and Pollution Research 24, 11752-11763, 2017 | 15 | 2017 |
A water balance approach for quantifying subsurface exchange fluxes and associated errors in hill reservoirs in semiarid regions M Bouteffeha, C Dages, R Bouhlila, J Molenat Hydrological processes 29 (7), 1861-1872, 2015 | 15 | 2015 |
Seepage patterns of Diuron in a ditch bed during a sequence of flood events C Dagès, A Samouëlian, S Negro, V Storck, O Huttel, M Voltz Science of the Total Environment 537, 120-128, 2015 | 12 | 2015 |
A new agro-hydrological catchment model to assess the cumulative impact of small reservoirs N Lebon, C Dagès, D Burger-Leenhardt, J Molénat Environmental Modelling & Software 153, 105409, 2022 | 10 | 2022 |
Multifunctionality of agricultural channel vegetation: A review based on community functional parameters and properties to support ecosystem function modeling G Rudi, JS Bailly, G Belaud, C Dagès, P Lagacherie, F Vinatier Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology 20 (3), 397-412, 2020 | 10 | 2020 |
Contrasting soil property patterns between ditch bed and neighbouring field profiles evidence the need of specific approaches when assessing water and pesticide fate in farmed … J Dollinger, C Dagès, A Samouelian, G Coulouma, M Lanoix, Y Blanca, ... Geoderma 309, 50-59, 2018 | 10 | 2018 |
Determining the effective hydraulic properties of a highly heterogeneous soil horizon A Samouëlian, I Cousin, C Dagès, A Frison, G Richard Vadose Zone Journal 10 (1), 450-458, 2011 | 9 | 2011 |