Juan Diego Borrero
Juan Diego Borrero
Lecturer in Business Organization
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Expressive participation in Internet social movements: Testing the moderating effect of technology readiness and sex on student SNS use
JD Borrero, SY Yousafzai, U Javed, KL Page
Computers in Human Behavior 30, 39-49, 2014
Sistema de trazabilidad de la cadena de suministro agroalimentario para cooperativas de frutas y hortalizas basado en la tecnología Blockchain
JD Borrero
CIRIEC-España, Revista de Economía Pública, Social y Cooperativa 95, 71-94, 2019
A case study of a digital data platform for the agricultural sector: A valuable decision support system for small farmers
JD Borrero, J Mariscal
Agriculture 12 (6), 767, 2022
La'Spanish Revolution'en Twitter (2): Redes de hashtags (#) y actores individuales y colectivos respecto a los desahucios en España
E Gualda, JD Borrero
Redes: Revista hispana para el análisis de redes sociales 26 (1), 1-22, 2015
An autonomous wireless device for real-time monitoring of water needs
JD Borrero, A Zabalo
Sensors 20 (7), 2078, 2020
Perceived value of social networking sites (SNS) in students' expressive participation in social movements
J D. Borrero, S Y. Yousafzai, U Javed, K L. Page
Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing 8 (1), 56-78, 2014
Identification and analysis of strawberries’ consumer opinions on twitter for marketing purposes
JD Borrero, A Zabalo
Agronomy 11 (4), 809, 2021
Expanding the Level of Technological Readiness for a Low-Cost Vertical Hydroponic System
JD Borrero
Inventions 6 (4), 68, 2021
Predicting Time SeriesUsing an Automatic New Algorithm of the Kalman Filter
JD Borrero, J Mariscal
Mathematics 10 (16), 2915, 2022
Circular entrepreneurial ecosystems: a Quintuple Helix Model approach
JD Borrero, S Yousafzai
Management Decision 62 (13), 141-177, 2024
Does freedom matter for sustainable economic development? New evidence from spatial econometric analysis
H Mohammadi, S Shayanmehr, JD Borrero
Mathematics 11 (1), 145, 2022
Crawling big data in a new frontier for socioeconomic research: testing with social tagging
JD Borrero, E Gualda
Fundação para a Ciência ea Tecnologia, 2013
Carpio Cañada, J.(2015). The «Spanish Revolution» on Twitter (2): Networks of hashtags and individual and collective actors regarding evictions in Spain
E Gualda, JD Borrero
Redes. Revista hispana para el análisis de redes sociales 26 (1), 1, 0
Elevating univariate time series forecasting: Innovative SVR-empowered nonlinear autoregressive neural networks
JD Borrero, J Mariscal
Algorithms 16 (9), 423, 2023
Enhancing short-term berry yield prediction for small growers using a novel hybrid machine learning model
JD Borrero, JD Borrero-Domínguez
Horticulturae 9 (5), 549, 2023
Agri-food Cooperatives’ Online Marketing: Evaluation of the Strategies Utilized by Spanish and UK Food Retailers Pre-and Post-COVID-19 Pandemic
JD Borrero
CIRIEC-España, revista de economía pública, social y cooperativa, 169-195, 2023
Estrategia y cuadro de mando integral en una empresa pública local: el caso de GIVSA
JD Borrero, AV Sánchez
Revista de economía y empresa 23 (54), 151-170, 2005
Aplicación de la tecnología LoRaWAN en la agricultura
J Borrero, GRC Fernández, C Rodríguez
Universidad de Huelva, March, 2018
A new predictive algorithm for time series forecasting based on machine learning techniques: Evidence for decision making in agriculture and tourism sectors
JD Borrero, J Mariscal, A Vargas-Sánchez
Stats 5 (4), 1145-1158, 2022
Deterministic Chaos Detection and Simplicial Local Predictions Applied to Strawberry Production Time Series
JD Borrero, J Mariscal
Mathematics 9 (23), 3034, 2021
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