Francesco Romano
Francesco Romano
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iCub whole-body control through force regulation on rigid non-coplanar contacts
F Nori, S Traversaro, J Eljaik, F Romano, A Del Prete, D Pucci
Frontiers in Robotics and AI 2, 6, 2015
Continuous-discrete reinforcement learning for hybrid control in robotics
M Neunert, A Abdolmaleki, M Wulfmeier, T Lampe, T Springenberg, ...
Conference on Robot Learning, 735-751, 2020
Stability Analysis and Design of Momentum-Based Controllers for Humanoid Robots
G Nava, F Romano, F Nori, D Pucci
2016 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2016
Collocated Adaptive Control of Underactuated Mechanical Systems
D Pucci, F Romano, F Nori
Robotics, IEEE Transactions on 31 (6), 1527-1536, 2015
Yarp based plugins for gazebo simulator
EM Hoffman, S Traversaro, A Rocchi, M Ferrati, A Settimi, F Romano, ...
International Workshop on Modelling and Simulation for Autonomous Systems …, 2014
The CoDyCo Project achievements and beyond: Towards Human Aware Whole-body Controllers for Physical Human Robot Interaction
F Romano, G Nava, M Azad, J Camernik, S Dafarra, O Dermy, C Latella, ...
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2017
Prioritized optimal control
A Del Prete, F Romano, L Natale, G Metta, G Sandini, F Nori
Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2014 IEEE International Conference on, 2540-2545, 2014
Torque-Controlled Stepping-Strategy Push Recovery: Design and Implementation on the iCub Humanoid Robot
S Dafarra, F Romano, F Nori
IEEE-RAS. International Conference. on Humanoid Robots, 2016
Towards real robot learning in the wild: A case study in bipedal locomotion
M Bloesch, J Humplik, V Patraucean, R Hafner, T Haarnoja, A Byravan, ...
Conference on Robot Learning, 1502-1511, 2022
Regularized hierarchical differential dynamic programming
M Geisert, A Del Prete, N Mansard, F Romano, F Nori
IEEE Transactions on Robotics 33 (4), 819-833, 2017
Whole-Body Human Inverse Dynamics with Distributed Micro-Accelerometers, Gyros and Force Sensing
C Latella, N Kuppuswamy, F Romano, S Traversaro, F Nori
Sensors 16 (5), 727, 2016
Towards real-time whole-body human dynamics estimation through probabilistic sensor fusion algorithms
C Latella, M Lorenzini, M Lazzaroni, F Romano, S Traversaro, MA Akhras, ...
Autonomous Robots, 1-13, 2018
A Whole-Body Software Abstraction layer for Control Design of free-floating Mechanical Systems
F Romano, S Traversaro, D Pucci, F Nori
Journal of Software Engineering for Robotics 8 (1), 2017
A Whole-Body Software Abstraction Layer for Control Design of Free-Floating Mechanical Systems
F Romano, S Traversaro, D Pucci, J Eljaik, A Del Prete, F Nori
2017 First IEEE International Conference on Robotic Computing (IRC), 148-155, 2017
A Control Architecture with Online Predictive Planning for Position and Torque Controlled Walking of Humanoid Robots
S Dafarra, G Nava, M Charbonneau, N Guedelha, F Andrade, ...
2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2018
Prioritized Optimal Control: a Hierarchical Differential Dynamic Programming approach
F Romano, A Del Prete, N Mansard, F Nori
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation - 2015 Seattle, USA, 2015
Stiction Compensation in Agonist-Antagonist Variable Stiffness Actuators
L Fiorio, F Romano, A Parmigiani, G Sandini, F Nori
2014 Robotics: Science and Systems Conference. Berkeley USA, 2014
Control of a two-DOF manipulator equipped with a pnr-Variable Stiffness Actuator
F Romano, L Fiorio, G Sandini, F Nori
Intelligent Control (ISIC), 2014 IEEE International Symposium on, 1354-1359, 2014
Optimizing Task Feasibility using Model-Free Policy Search and Model-Based Whole-Body Control
R Lober, J Eljaik, G Nava, S Dafarra, F Romano, D Pucci, S Traversaro, ...
Stable bipedal foot planting on uneven terrain through optimal ankle impedance
F Romano, N Kuppuswamy, M Ciocca, S Traversaro, F Nori
IEEE-RAS. International Conference. on Humanoid Robots, 2016
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