gilles ruffet
gilles ruffet
CNRS Université de Rennes 1
Потвърден имейл адрес: univ-rennes1.fr
Burma Terrane part of the Trans-Tethyan arc during collision with India according to palaeomagnetic data
J Westerweel, P Roperch, A Licht, G Dupont-Nivet, Z Win, F Poblete, ...
Nature Geoscience 12 (10), 863-868, 2019
Widespread bedding-parallel veins of fibrous calcite (’beef') in a mature source rock (Vaca Muerta Fm, Neuquén Basin, Argentina): evidence for overpressure and horizontal …
N Rodrigues, PR Cobbold, H Loseth, G Ruffet
Journal of the Geological Society 166 (4), 695-709, 2009
Plateau ages and excess argon in phengites: an 40Ar 39Ar laser probe study of Alpine micas (Sesia Zone, Western Alps, northern Italy)
G Ruffet, G Féraud, M Balèvre, JR Kiénast
Chemical Geology 121 (1-4), 327-343, 1995
New 40Ar/39Ar age constraints on the Late Palaeozoic tectonic evolution of the western Tianshan (Xinjiang, northwestern China), with emphasis on Permian fluid …
K de Jong, B Wang, M Faure, L Shu, D Cluzel, J Charvet, G Ruffet, ...
International Journal of Earth Sciences 98, 1239-1258, 2009
Structural and geochronological study of high-pressure metamorphic rocks in the Kekesu section (northwestern China): Implications for the late Paleozoic tectonics of the …
B Wang, M Faure, L Shu, K de Jong, J Charvet, D Cluzel, B Jahn, Y Chen, ...
The Journal of Geology 118 (1), 59-77, 2010
Petrochemistry, geochronology and Sr–Nd isotopic systematics of the Tertiary collisional and post-collisional volcanic rocks from the Ulubey (Ordu) area, eastern Pontide, NE …
İ Temizel, M Arslan, G Ruffet, JJ Peucat
Lithos 128, 126-147, 2012
Correlation of the nappe stack in the Ibero-Armorican arc across the Bay of Biscay: a joint French–Spanish project
M Ballèvre, JRM Catalán, A López-Carmona, P Pitra, J Abati, ...
Volcanism in a compressional Andean setting: A structural and geochronological study of Tromen volcano (Neuquén province, Argentina)
O Galland, E Hallot, PR Cobbold, G Ruffet, J de Bremond D'Ars
Tectonics 26 (4), 2007
Comparison of 40Ar-39Ar conventional and laser dating of biotites from the North Trégor Batholith
G Ruffet, G Feraud, M Amouric
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 55 (6), 1675-1688, 1991
Cretaceous albitization and dequartzification of Hercynian peraluminous granite in the Salvezines Massif (French Pyrénées)
P Boulvais, G Ruffet, J Cornichet, M Mermet
Lithos 93 (1-2), 89-106, 2007
Rb Sr and 40Ar 39Ar laser probe dating of high-pressure phengites from the Sesia zone (Western Alps): underscoring of excess argon and new age constraints on the high …
G Ruffet, G Gruau, M Ballèvre, G Féraud, P Philippot
Chemical Geology 141 (1-2), 1-18, 1997
Chemical and physical erosion rhythms of the West African Cenozoic morphogenesis: The 39Ar‐40Ar dating of supergene K‐Mn oxides
A Beauvais, G Ruffet, O Hénocque, F Colin
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 113 (F4), 2008
40Ar/39Ar laser-probe dating by step heating and spot fusion of phengites from the Dora Maira nappe of the western Alps, Italy
S Scaillet, G Feraud, Y Lagabrielle, M Ballevre, G Ruffet
Geology 18 (8), 741-744, 1990
A geochronological 40Ar39Ar and 87Rb81Sr study of K-Mn oxides from the weathering sequence of Azul, Brazil
G Ruffet, C Innocent, A Michard, G Féraud, A Beauvais, D Nahon, ...
Geochimica et cosmochimica Acta 60 (12), 2219-2232, 1996
Evolution of K-rich magmas derived from a net veined lithospheric mantle in an ongoing extensional setting: Geochronology and geochemistry of Eocene and Miocene volcanic rocks …
C Yücel, M Arslan, I Temizel, EA Yazar, G Ruffet
Gondwana Research 45, 65-86, 2017
Late Devonian subduction and early‐orogenic exhumation of eclogite‐facies rocks from the Champtoceaux Complex (Variscan belt, France)
V Bosse, G Feraud, G Ruffet, M Ballèvre, JJ Peucat, K De Jong
Geological Journal 35 (3‐4), 297-325, 2000
Fluid-induced disturbance of the monazite Th–Pb chronometer: in situ dating and element mapping in pegmatites from the Rhodope (Greece, Bulgaria)
V Bosse, P Boulvais, P Gautier, M Tiepolo, G Ruffet, JL Devidal, ...
Chemical geology 261 (3-4), 286-302, 2009
Timing of exhumation of the Ereendavaa metamorphic core complex (north-eastern Mongolia)–U–Pb and 40Ar/39Ar constraints
Y Daoudene, G Ruffet, A Cocherie, P Ledru, D Gapais
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 62, 98-116, 2013
Alpine and late-hercynian geochronological constraints in the Argentera Massif (Western Alps)
M Corsini, G Ruffet, R Caby
Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae 97, 3-15, 2004
Une nouvelle faune de vertébrés continentaux, associée à des artefacts dans le Pléistocène inférieur de l’Hérault (Sud de la France), vers 1, 57 Ma
JY Crochet, JL Welcomme, J Ivorra, G Ruffet, N Boulbes, R Capdevila, ...
Comptes Rendus Palevol 8 (8), 725-736, 2009
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