ICT adoption and income diversification among rural households in China C Leng, W Ma, J Tang, Z Zhu Applied Economics 52, 3614-3628, 2020 | 193 | 2020 |
Green space attachment and health: A comparative study in two urban neighborhoods Y Zhang, T van Dijk, J Tang, AE Berg International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 12 (11 …, 2015 | 149 | 2015 |
Effect of providing near glasses on productivity among rural Indian tea workers with presbyopia (PROSPER): a randomised trial PA Reddy, N Congdon, G MacKenzie, P Gogate, Q Wen, C Jan, M Clarke, ... Lancet Global Health 6 (9), e1019-e1027, 2018 | 138 | 2018 |
Off-farm work, smartphone use and household income: Evidence from rural China W Ma, A Renwick, P Nie, J Tang, R Cai China Economic Review 52, 80-94, 2018 | 121 | 2018 |
Estimation of awareness and perception of water scarcity among farmers in the Guanzhong Plain, China, by means of a structural equation model J Tang, H Folmer, J Xue Journal of Environmental Management 126, 55-62, 2013 | 113 | 2013 |
Cost-effectiveness and cost-utility of population-based glaucoma screening in China: a decision-analytic Markov model J Tang, Y Liang, C O'Neill, F Kee, J Jiang, N Congdon Lancet Global Health 7 (7), E968-E978, 2019 | 109 | 2019 |
Narrowing urban-rural income gap in China: The role of the targeted poverty alleviation program J Tang, J Gong, W Ma, D Rahut Economic Analysis and Policy, 2022 | 98 | 2022 |
Technical and allocative efficiency of irrigation water use in the Guanzhong Plain, China J Tang, H Folmer, J Xue Food Policy 50, 43–52, 2015 | 89 | 2015 |
Association between time preference, present-bias and physical activity: implications for designing behavior change interventions RF Hunter, J Tang, G Hutchinson, S Chilton, D Holmes, F Kee BMC Public Health 18 (1388), 2018 | 84 | 2018 |
The impacts of the eco-environmental policy on grassland degradation and livestock production in Inner Mongolia, China: an empirical analysis based on the simultaneous equation … M Liu, L Dries, J Huang, S Min, J Tang Land Use Policy 88, 104167, 2019 | 64 | 2019 |
Relationship between monetary delay discounting and obesity: a systematic review and meta-regression J Tang, OJ Chrzanowski-Smith, G Hutchinson, F Kee, RF Hunter International Journal of Obesity, 2018 | 55 | 2018 |
Economic evaluation of combined population-based screening for multiple blindness-causing eye diseases in China: a cost-effectiveness analysis H Liu, Y Li, Ruyue, Zhang, K Zhang, M Yusufu, Y Liu, D Mou, X Chen, ... Lancet Global Health 11 (3), e456-e465, 2023 | 50 | 2023 |
Energy efficiency in the Chinese provinces: a fixed effects stochastic frontier spatial Durbin error panel analysis L Jiang, H Folmer, M Ji, J Tang The Annals of Regional Science 58 (2), 301-319, 2017 | 50 | 2017 |
Determinants of pesticide application: An empirical analysis with theory of planned behaviour J Wang, M Chu, C Yang, H Lam, J Tang China Agricultural Economic Review 10 (4), 608-625, 2018 | 49 | 2018 |
Mediating the relationship between loneliness and cognitive function: the role of depressive and anxiety symptoms J McHugh Power, J Tang, RA Kenny, BA Lawlor, F Kee Aging & Mental Health 24 (7), 1071–1078, 2020 | 48 | 2020 |
The impact of climate change on livestock production in pastoral areas of China X Feng, H Qiu, J Pan, J Tang Science of the Total Environment 770, 144838, 2021 | 47 | 2021 |
Integration of migrants in poverty alleviation resettlement to urban China J Tang, Y Xu, H Qiu Cities, 103501, 2021 | 45 | 2021 |
Adoption of farm-based irrigation water-saving techniques in the Guanzhong Plain, China J Tang, H Folmer, J Xue Agricultural Economics 47 (4), 445–455, 2016 | 45 | 2016 |
Does participation in poverty alleviation programmes increase subjective well-being? Results from a survey of rural residents in Shanxi, China J Tang, Y Xu, W Ma, S Gao Habitat International 12 (118), 102455, 2021 | 43 | 2021 |
Role of monitoring in environmental regulation: An empirical analysis of grazing restrictions in pastoral China H Qiu, L Su, X Feng, J Tang Environmental Science and Policy 114, 295-304, 2020 | 38 | 2020 |