Facial action coding system P Ekman, WV Friesen Environmental Psychology & Nonverbal Behavior, 1978 | 17075 | 1978 |
An argument for basic emotions P Ekman Cognition & emotion 6 (3-4), 169-200, 1992 | 14594 | 1992 |
Unmasking the face: A guide to recognizing emotions from facial clues P Ekman, WV Friesen Ishk, 2003 | 9362 | 2003 |
Constants across cultures in the face and emotion. P Ekman, WV Friesen Journal of personality and social psychology 17 (2), 124, 1971 | 8459 | 1971 |
Emotion in the human face: Guidelines for research and an integration of findings P Ekman, WV Friesen, P Ellsworth Elsevier, 2013 | 7500 | 2013 |
Emotions revealed P Ekman Bmj 328 (Suppl S5), 2004 | 6769 | 2004 |
The repertoire of nonverbal behavior: Categories, origins, usage, and coding P Ekman, WV Friesen semiotica 1 (1), 49-98, 1969 | 6615 | 1969 |
Pictures of facial affect P Ekman (No Title), 1976 | 6446 | 1976 |
Basic emotions P Ekman, T Dalgleish, M Power San Francisco, USA, 1999 | 6348 | 1999 |
Universals and cultural differences in facial expressions of emotion. P Ekman Nebraska symposium on motivation, 1971 | 5868 | 1971 |
Facial expression and emotion. P Ekman American psychologist 48 (4), 384, 1993 | 5775 | 1993 |
Telling lies: Clues to deceit in the marketplace, politics, and marriage (revised edition) P Ekman WW Norton & Company, 2009 | 4794 | 2009 |
Autonomic nervous system activity distinguishes among emotions P Ekman, RW Levenson, WV Friesen science 221 (4616), 1208-1210, 1983 | 4383 | 1983 |
Universals and cultural differences in the judgments of facial expressions of emotion. P Ekman, WV Friesen, M O'sullivan, A Chan, I Diacoyanni-Tarlatzis, ... Journal of personality and social psychology 53 (4), 712, 1987 | 4313* | 1987 |
The nature of emotion: Fundamental questions. PE Ekman, RJ Davidson Oxford University Press, 1994 | 3691 | 1994 |
What the face reveals: Basic and applied studies of spontaneous expression using the Facial Action Coding System (FACS) P Ekman, EL Rosenberg Oxford University Press, USA, 1997 | 3667 | 1997 |
Are there basic emotions? P Ekman American Psychological Association 99 (3), 550, 1992 | 3629 | 1992 |
Nonverbal leakage and clues to deception P Ekman, WV Friesen Psychiatry 32 (1), 88-106, 1969 | 3179 | 1969 |
Pan-cultural elements in facial displays of emotion P Ekman, ER Sorenson, WV Friesen Science 164 (3875), 86-88, 1969 | 3017 | 1969 |
Expression and the nature of emotion P Ekman Approaches to emotion, 319-343, 2014 | 2802 | 2014 |