Lieven De Marez
Lieven De Marez
Потвърден имейл адрес: ugent.be
Fear of missing out as a predictor of problematic social media use and phubbing behavior among Flemish adolescents
V Franchina, M Vanden Abeele, AJ Van Rooij, G Lo Coco, L De Marez
International journal of environmental research and public health 15 (10), 2319, 2018
Player identification in online games: Validation of a scale for measuring identification in MMORPGs
J Van Looy, C Courtois, M De Vocht
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Fun and Games, 126-134, 2010
Teaching and learning with mobile technology: A qualitative explorative study about the introduction of tablet devices in secondary education
H Montrieux, R Vanderlinde, T Schellens, L De Marez
PloS one 10 (12), e0144008, 2015
Smart ideas for smart cities: Investigating crowdsourcing for generating and selecting ideas for ICT innovation in a city context
D Schuurman, B Baccarne, L De Marez, P Mechant
Journal of theoretical and applied electronic commerce research 7 (3), 49-62, 2012
Gratifications and seeding behavior of online adolescents
C Courtois, P Mechant, L De Marez, G Verleye
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 15 (1), 109-137, 2009
Rethinking determinants of ICT acceptance: Towards an integrated and comprehensive overview
P Verdegem, L De Marez
Technovation 31 (8), 411-423, 2011
Proposed framework for evaluating quality of experience in a mobile, testbed-oriented living lab setting
K De Moor, I Ketyko, W Joseph, T Deryckere, L De Marez, L Martens, ...
Mobile Networks and applications 15, 378-391, 2010
The impact of living lab methodology on open innovation contributions and outcomes
D Schuurman, L De Marez, P Ballon
Technology Innovation Management Review 6 (1), 2016
360 video journalism: Experimental study on the effect of immersion on news experience and distant suffering
K Van Damme, A All, L De Marez, S Van Leuven
Journalism studies 20 (14), 2053-2076, 2019
A Living Lab research approach for mobile TV
D Schuurman, T Evens, L De Marez
Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Interactive TV and Video, 189-196, 2009
What’s APPening to news? A mixed-method audience-centred study on mobile news consumption
K Van Damme, C Courtois, K Verbrugge, L De Marez
Mobile media & communication 3 (2), 196-213, 2015
Quantifying the influence of rebuffering interruptions on the user's quality of experience during mobile video watching
T De Pessemier, K De Moor, W Joseph, L De Marez, L Martens
IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting 59 (1), 47-61, 2012
Social media use and well-being: A prospective experience-sampling study
L Faelens, K Hoorelbeke, B Soenens, K Van Gaeveren, L De Marez, ...
Computers in Human Behavior 114, 106510, 2021
Understanding persistence in the use of online fitness communities: comparing novice and experienced users
J Stragier, MV Abeele, P Mechant, L De Marez
Computers in Human Behavior 64, 34-42, 2016
Living Labs: a systematic literature review
D Schuurman, L De Marez, P Ballon
Open Living Lab Days 2015, 2015
Cognitive abilities, digital games and arithmetic performance enhancement: A study comparing the effects of a math game and paper exercises
EN Castellar, A All, L De Marez, J Van Looy
Computers & Education 85, 123-133, 2015
Investigating and comparing the predictors of the intention towards taking security measures against malware, scams and cybercrime in general
M Martens, R De Wolf, L De Marez
Computers in Human Behavior 92, 139-150, 2019
Adopter segments, adoption determinants and mobile marketing
L De Marez, P Vyncke, K Berte, D Schuurman, K De Moor
Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis for Marketing 16, 78-95, 2007
Urban socio-technical innovations with and by citizens
B Baccarne, P Mechant, D Schuurman, P Colpaert, L De Marez
Interdisciplinary Studies Journal 3 (4), 143-156, 2014
In-between child’s play and teenage pop culture: tweens, TikTok & privacy
T De Leyn, R De Wolf, M Vanden Abeele, L De Marez
Journal of Youth Studies 25 (8), 1108-1125, 2022
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