Ismaila Diallo
Ismaila Diallo
Други именаIsmaïla Diallo
Assistant Professor, Department of Meteorology and Climate Science, San José State University
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Climatology, annual cycle and interannual variability of precipitation and temperature in CORDEX simulations over West Africa
E Gbobaniyi, A Sarr, MB Sylla, I Diallo, C Lennard, A Dosio, A Dhiédiou, ...
International Journal of Climatology 34 (7), 2241-2257, 2014
Projected changes in temperature and precipitation over the United States, Central America, and the Caribbean in CMIP6 GCMs
M Almazroui, MN Islam, F Saeed, S Saeed, M Ismail, MA Ehsan, I Diallo, ...
Earth Systems and Environment 5, 1-24, 2021
Multimodel GCM‐RCM ensemble‐based projections of temperature and precipitation over West Africa for the early 21st century
I Diallo, MB Sylla, F Giorgi, AT Gaye, M Camara
International Journal of Geophysics 2012 (1), 972896, 2012
Changes in climate extremes over West and Central Africa at 1.5 C and 2 C global warming
A Diedhiou, A Bichet, R Wartenburger, SI Seneviratne, DP Rowell, ...
Environmental Research Letters 13 (6), 065020, 2018
Projected future daily characteristics of African precipitation based on global (CMIP5, CMIP6) and regional (CORDEX, CORDEX-CORE) climate models
A Dosio, MW Jury, M Almazroui, M Ashfaq, I Diallo, FA Engelbrecht, ...
Climate Dynamics 57 (11), 3135-3158, 2021
Daily characteristics of West African summer monsoon precipitation in CORDEX simulations
NAB Klutse, MB Sylla, I Diallo, A Sarr, A Diedhiou, A Kamga, A Abdou, ...
Projected changes of summer monsoon extremes and hydroclimatic regimes over West Africa for the twenty-first century
I Diallo, F Giorgi, A Deme, M Tall, L Mariotti, AT Gaye
Climate dynamics 47, 3931-3954, 2016
Seasonal and intraseasonal changes of African monsoon climates in 21st century CORDEX projections
L Mariotti, I Diallo, E Coppola, F Giorgi
Climatic change 125, 53-65, 2014
West African monsoon in state-of-the-science regional climate models
MB Sylla, I Diallo, JS Pal
Climate variability-regional and thematic patterns, 2013
Current and future potential of solar and wind energy over Africa using the RegCM4 CORDEX-CORE ensemble
W Sawadogo, MS Reboita, A Faye, RP da Rocha, RC Odoulami, ...
Climate Dynamics 57 (5), 1647-1672, 2021
Interannual variability of rainfall over the Sahel based on multiple regional climate models simulations
I Diallo, MB Sylla, M Camara, AT Gaye
Theoretical and Applied Climatology 113, 351-362, 2013
Robust late twenty-first century shift in the regional monsoons in RegCM-CORDEX simulations
M Ashfaq, T Cavazos, MS Reboita, JA Torres-Alavez, ES Im, CF Olusegun, ...
Climate Dynamics 57, 1463-1488, 2021
Spring land surface and subsurface temperature anomalies and subsequent downstream late spring‐summer droughts/floods in North America and East Asia
Y Xue, I Diallo, W Li, J David Neelin, PC Chu, R Vasic, W Guo, Q Li, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 123 (10), 5001-5019, 2018
Hydrological projections under climate change in the near future by RegCM4 in Southern Africa using a large-scale hydrological model
L Li, I Diallo, CY Xu, F Stordal
Journal of Hydrology 528, 1-16, 2015
Simulation of the West African monsoon onset using the HadGEM3-RA regional climate model
I Diallo, CL Bain, AT Gaye, W Moufouma-Okia, C Niang, MDB Dieng, ...
Climate dynamics 43, 575-594, 2014
On the added value of the regional climate model REMO in the assessment of climate change signal over Central Africa
TC Fotso-Nguemo, DA Vondou, WM Pokam, ZY Djomou, I Diallo, ...
Climate Dynamics 49, 3813-3838, 2017
Vegetation greening in China and its effect on summer regional climate
L Yu, Y Xue, I Diallo
Science bulletin 66 (1), 13-17, 2021
Projected impact of climate change in the hydroclimatology of Senegal with a focus over the Lake of Guiers for the twenty-first century
M Tall, MB Sylla, I Diallo, JS Pal, A Faye, ML Mbaye, AT Gaye
Theoretical and Applied Climatology 129, 655-665, 2017
Dust induced changes on the West African summer monsoon features
ET N'Datchoh, I Diallo, A Konaré, S Silué, KO Ogunjobi, A Diedhiou, ...
International Journal of Climatology 38 (1), 452-466, 2018
Impact of initialized land surface temperature and snowpack on subseasonal to seasonal prediction project, phase I (LS4P-I): organization and experimental design
Y Xue, T Yao, AA Boone, I Diallo, Y Liu, X Zeng, WKM Lau, S Sugimoto, ...
Geoscientific Model Development 14 (7), 4465-4494, 2021
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