Texture and anisotropy: preferred orientations in polycrystals and their effect on materials properties UF Kocks, CN Tomé, HR Wenk Cambridge university press, 2000 | 2936 | 2000 |
Combined texture and structure analysis of deformed limestone from time-of-flight neutron diffraction spectra L Lutterotti, S Matthies, HR Wenk, AS Schultz, JW Richardson Jr Journal of Applied Physics 81 (2), 594-600, 1997 | 995 | 1997 |
MAUD: a friendly Java program for material analysis using diffraction L Lutterotti, S Matthies, H Wenk CPD newsletter 21, 14-15, 1999 | 985 | 1999 |
Exhumation of ultrahigh‐pressure continental crust in east central China: Late Triassic‐Early Jurassic tectonic unroofing BR Hacker, L Ratschbacher, L Webb, MO McWilliams, T Ireland, A Calvert, ... Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 105 (B6), 13339-13364, 2000 | 911 | 2000 |
Minerals: their constitution and origin HR Wenk, A Bulakh Cambridge University Press, 2016 | 633 | 2016 |
Exhumation of the ultrahigh‐pressure continental crust in east central China: Cretaceous and Cenozoic unroofing and the Tan‐Lu fault L Ratschbacher, BR Hacker, LE Webb, M McWilliams, T Ireland, S Dong, ... Journal of geophysical research: Solid Earth 105 (B6), 13303-13338, 2000 | 555 | 2000 |
Rietveld texture analysis from diffraction images L Lutterotti, M Bortolotti, G Ischia, I Lonardelli, HR Wenk Z. Kristallogr. Suppl 26, 125-130, 2007 | 541 | 2007 |
MAUD (material analysis using diffraction): a user friendly Java program for Rietveld texture analysis and more L Lutterotti, H Wenk, S Matthies Proceeding of the twelfth international conference on textures of materials …, 1999 | 484 | 1999 |
Texture and anisotropy HR Wenk, P Van Houtte Reports on Progress in Physics 67 (8), 1367, 2004 | 469 | 2004 |
Preferred orientation in deformed metal and rocks: an introduction to modern texture analysis HR Wenk Elsevier, 2013 | 443 | 2013 |
Operational texture analysis JS Kallend, UF Kocks, AD Rollett, HR Wenk Materials Science and Engineering: A 132, 1-11, 1991 | 441 | 1991 |
Texture analysis with the new HIPPO TOF diffractometer HR Wenk, L Lutterotti, S Vogel Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2003 | 440 | 2003 |
BEARTEX: a Windows-based program system for quantitative texture analysis HR Wenk, S Matthies, J Donovan, D Chateigner Applied Crystallography 31 (2), 262-269, 1998 | 384 | 1998 |
Nanostructure of calcium silicate hydrates in cements LB Skinner, SR Chae, CJ Benmore, HR Wenk, PJM Monteiro Physical review letters 104 (19), 195502, 2010 | 336 | 2010 |
Mollusc shell microstructures and crystallographic textures D Chateigner, C Hedegaard, HR Wenk Journal of Structural Geology 22 (11-12), 1723-1735, 2000 | 300 | 2000 |
Deformation of polycrystalline MgO at pressures of the lower mantle S Merkel, HR Wenk, J Shu, G Shen, P Gillet, H Mao, RJ Hemley Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 107 (B11), ECV 3-1-ECV 3-17, 2002 | 259 | 2002 |
Convection and anisotropy of the inner core R Jeanloz, HR Wenk Geophysical Research Letters 15 (1), 72-75, 1988 | 255 | 1988 |
In situ observation of texture evolution during α→ β and β→ α phase transformations in titanium alloys investigated by neutron diffraction I Lonardelli, N Gey, HR Wenk, M Humbert, SC Vogel, L Lutterotti Acta Materialia 55 (17), 5718-5727, 2007 | 232 | 2007 |
Rietveld texture analysis from TOF neutron diffraction data HR Wenk, L Lutterotti, SC Vogel Powder Diffraction 25 (3), 283-296, 2010 | 231 | 2010 |
Superplasticity in Earth's lower mantle: evidence from seismic anisotropy and rock physics S Karato, S Zhang, HR Wenk Science 270 (5235), 458-461, 1995 | 230 | 1995 |