Jake Wegmann
Jake Wegmann
Assistant Professor, School of Architecture, University of Texas at Austin
Потвърден имейл адрес: utexas.edu
Taming Airbnb: Toward guiding principles for local regulation of urban vacation rentals based on empirical results from five US cities
J Wegmann, J Jiao
Land use policy 69, 494-501, 2017
Informal housing in the United States
NJ Durst, J Wegmann
International journal of urban and regional research 41 (2), 282-297, 2017
Death to single-family zoning… and new life to the missing middle
J Wegmann
Journal of the American Planning Association 86 (1), 113-119, 2020
Yes in my backyard: Mobilizing the market for secondary units
K Chapple, J Wegmann, A Nemirow, C Dentel-Post
Restructuring, race, and real estate: Changing home values and the new California metropolis, 1989-2010
A Schafran, J Wegmann
Urban Geography 33 (5), 630-654, 2012
Uprooted: Residential displacement in Austin’s gentrifying neighborhoods and what can be done about it
HK Way, E Mueller, J Wegmann
Measuring informal housing production in California cities
J Wegmann, S Mawhorter
Journal of the American Planning Association 83 (2), 119-130, 2017
Hidden density in single-family neighborhoods: backyard cottages as an equitable smart growth strategy
J Wegmann, K Chapple
Journal of Urbanism: International Research on Placemaking and Urban …, 2014
Breaking the double impasse: Securing and supporting diverse housing tenures in the United States
J Wegmann, A Schafran, D Pfeiffer
Housing Policy Debate 27 (2), 193-216, 2017
Jumpstarting the market for accessory dwelling units: Lessons learned from Portland, Seattle, and Vancouver
K Chapple, J Wegmann, F Mashhood, R Coleman
Research Notes: The Hidden Cityscapes of Informal Housing in Suburban Los Angeles and the Paradox of Horizontal Density
J Wegmann
Buildings & Landscapes: Journal of the Vernacular Architecture Forum 22 (2 …, 2015
Secondary units and urban infill: A literature review
J Wegmann, A Nemirow
Working paper, 2011
Shifts toward the extremes: Zoning change in major US Metropolitan areas from 2003 to 2019
R Pendall, L Lo, J Wegmann
Journal of the American Planning Association 88 (1), 55-66, 2022
The growth of control? Changes in local land-use regulation in major US metropolitan areas from 1994 to 2003
R Pendall, J Wegmann, J Martin, D Wei
Housing policy debate 28 (6), 901-919, 2018
Vulnerability and opportunity: Making sense of the rise in single-family rentals in US neighbourhoods
D Pfeiffer, A Schafran, J Wegmann
Housing Studies 36 (7), 1026-1046, 2021
Rental housing spot markets: How online information exchanges can supplement transacted-rents data
G Boeing, J Wegmann, J Jiao
Journal of Planning Education and Research 43 (3), 525-537, 2023
Tilted platforms: rental housing technology and the rise of urban big data oligopolies
G Boeing, M Besbris, D Wachsmuth, J Wegmann
Urban Transformations 3, 1-10, 2021
Understanding the market for secondary units in the East Bay
J Wegmann, K Chapple
Residences without residents: Assessing the geography of ghost dwellings in big US cities
J Wegmann
Journal of Urban Affairs 42 (8), 1103-1124, 2020
Asleep at the wheel? The risk of sudden price adjustments for climate risk
R Rebonato
The Journal of Portfolio Management 50 (2), 113-133, 2023
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