Ethnicity and nationalism: Anthropological perspectives TH Eriksen Pluto press, 2002 | 6950 | 2002 |
Small places, large issues: An introduction to social and cultural anthropology TH Eriksen PLUTO press, 2015 | 1929 | 2015 |
Globalization: The key concepts A Mooney, B Evans Routledge, 2007 | 1145* | 2007 |
Tyranny of the moment: Fast and slow time in the information age TH Eriksen Pluto Press, 2001 | 1008 | 2001 |
A history of anthropology TH Eriksen, FS Nielsen Pluto Press, 2013 | 824 | 2013 |
Overheating: An anthropology of accelerated change TH Eriksen Pluto Press, 2016 | 578 | 2016 |
Nationalism and the Internet* TH Eriksen Nations and nationalism 13 (1), 1-17, 2007 | 530* | 2007 |
Between universalism and relativism: a critique of the UNESCO concept of culture TH Eriksen Culture and rights: Anthropological perspectives, 127-148, 2001 | 514 | 2001 |
The cultural contexts of ethnic differences TH Eriksen Man, 127-144, 1991 | 490 | 1991 |
Engaging anthropology: The case for a public presence TH Eriksen Routledge, 2020 | 465 | 2020 |
What is anthropology? TH Eriksen Pluto Press, 2004 | 399 | 2004 |
Kulturforskjeller i praksis: perspektiver på det flerkulturelle Norge TH Eriksen, TA Sajjad Gyldendal akademisk, 2020 | 398 | 2020 |
Ethnic identity, national identity, and intergroup conflict TH Eriksen Social identity, intergroup conflict, and conflict reduction 3, 42-68, 2001 | 391 | 2001 |
Etnicitet och nationalism TH Eriksen, M Barrett, S Häggqvist Nya Doxa, 1998 | 376 | 1998 |
Common denominators: Ethnicity, nation-building and compromise in Mauritius TH Eriksen Routledge, 2020 | 339 | 2020 |
Sociální a kulturní antropologie: příbuzenství, národnostní příslušnost, rituál TH Eriksen Portál, 2008 | 330 | 2008 |
Us and them in modern societies TH Eriksen Ethnicity and nationalism in, 1992 | 318 | 1992 |
Searching for a cultural diplomacy JCE Gienow-Hecht, MC Donfried Berghahn Books, 2010 | 290 | 2010 |
Små steder-store spørsmål: innføring i sosialantropologi TH Eriksen Universitetsforlaget, 2021 | 288 | 2021 |
Antropologie multikulturních společností: rozumět identitě TH Eriksen Triton, 2007 | 286 | 2007 |