Shraddha Singh
Shraddha Singh
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre Mumbai
Потвърден имейл адрес: barc.gov.in
Cadmium accumulation and its influence on lipid peroxidation and antioxidative system in an aquatic plant, Bacopa monnieri L.
S Singh, S Eapen, SF D’souza
Chemosphere 62 (2), 233-246, 2006
Antioxidant responses of hyper-accumulator and sensitive fern species to arsenic
M Srivastava, LQ Ma, N Singh, S Singh
Journal of Experimental Botany 56 (415), 1335-1342, 2005
Accumulation of metals and its effects in Brassica juncea (L.) Czern.(cv. Rohini) grown on various amendments of tannery waste
S Singh, S Sinha
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 62 (1), 118-127, 2005
Chromium induced lipid peroxidation in the plants of Pistia stratiotes L.: role of antioxidants and antioxidant enzymes
S Sinha, R Saxena, S Singh
Chemosphere 58 (5), 595-604, 2005
Environmental bioremediation technologies
SN Singh, RD Tripathi
Springer Science & Business Media, 2007
Phytoremediation of 137cesium and 90strontium from solutions and low-level nuclear waste by Vetiveria zizanoides
S Singh, S Eapen, V Thorat, CP Kaushik, K Raj, SF D’souza
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 69 (2), 306-311, 2008
Translocation of metals and its effects in the tomato plants grown on various amendments of tannery waste: evidence for involvement of antioxidants
S Singh, S Sinha, R Saxena, K Pandey, K Bhatt
Chemosphere 57 (2), 91-99, 2004
Comparative studies on accumulation of Cr from metal solution and tannery effluent under repeated metal exposure by aquatic plants: its toxic effects
S Sinha, R Saxena, S Singh
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 80, 17-31, 2002
Response of antioxidants in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) grown on different amendments of tannery sludge: its metal accumulation potential
S Singh, R Saxena, K Pandey, K Bhatt, S Sinha
Chemosphere 57 (11), 1663-1673, 2004
Phytoremediation of radiostrontium (90Sr) and radiocesium (137Cs) using giant milky weed (Calotropis gigantea R. Br.) plants
S Eapen, S Singh, V Thorat, CP Kaushik, K Raj, SF D’Souza
Chemosphere 65 (11), 2071-2073, 2006
Phytoremediation: a sustainable alternative for environmental challenges
S Singh
Int J Gr Herb Chem 1, 133-139, 2012
Potential of Chromolaena odorata for phytoremediation of 137Cs from solution and low level nuclear waste
S Singh, V Thorat, CP Kaushik, K Raj, S Eapen, SF D'souza
Journal of hazardous materials 162 (2-3), 743-745, 2009
Fluoride removal from water by Hydrilla verticillata (lf) royle and its toxic effects.
S Sinha, R Saxena, S Singh
Bulletin of Environmental Contamination & Toxicology 65 (5), 2000
Investigation of arsenic accumulation and biochemical response of in vitro developed Vetiveria zizanoides plants
S Singh, S Sounderajan, K Kumar, DP Fulzele
Ecotoxicology and environmental safety 145, 50-56, 2017
Scanning electron microscopic studies and growth response of the plants of Helianthus annuus L. grown on tannery sludge amended soil
S Singh, S Sinha
Environment international 30 (3), 389-395, 2004
Accumulation of chromium and scanning electron microscopic studies in Scirpus lacustris L. treated with metal and tannery effluent.
MR Suseela, S Sinha, S Singh, R Saxena
Bulletin of Environmental Contamination & Toxicology 68 (4), 2002
Comparative growth response of two varieties of Vigna radiata L. (var. PDM 54 and var. NM 1) grown on different tannery sludge applications: effects of treated …
S Sinha, S Singh, S Mallick
Environmental Geochemistry and Health 30, 407-422, 2008
Interactive metal accumulation and its toxic effects under repeated exposure in submerged plant Najas indica Cham.
S Sinha, K Bhatt, K Pandey, S Singh, R Saxena
Bulletin of Environmental Contamination & Toxicology 70 (4), 2003
Potential of indigenous plant species for phytoremediation of arsenic contaminated water and soil
S Singh, J Karwadiya, S Srivastava, PK Patra, VP Venugopalan
Ecological Engineering 175, 106476, 2022
Copper tolerance and response of antioxidative enzymes in axenically grown Brassica juncea (L.) plants
S Singh, S Singh, V Ramachandran, S Eapen
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 73 (8), 1975-1981, 2010
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