Mourad Messaadia
Mourad Messaadia
Enseignant Chercheur, Laboratoire LINEACT du CESI Rouen
Потвърден имейл адрес: cesi.fr
Digital transformation adoption in human resources management during COVID-19
AI Al-Alawi, M Messaadia, A Mehrotra, SK Sanosi, H Elias, AH Althawadi
Arab Gulf Journal of Scientific Research 41 (4), 446-461, 2023
STEEP analysis as a tool for building technology roadmaps
H Szigeti, M Messaadia, A Majumdar, B Eynard
Internationale challenges e-2011 conference, 26-28, 2011
A meta-modelling framework for knowledge consistency in collaborative design
F Belkadi, N Dremont, A Notin, N Troussier, M Messadia
Annual Reviews in Control 36 (2), 346-358, 2012
Collaboration management framework for OEM–suppliers relationships: a trust-based conceptual approach
F Belkadi, M Messaadia, A Bernard, D Baudry
Enterprise Information Systems 11 (7), 1018-1042, 2017
A review of crowdsourcing literature related to the manufacturing industry
RD Evans, JX Gao, S Mahdikhah, M Messaadia, D Baudry
Journal of Advanced Management Science 4 (3), 224-321, 2015
Fog-supported low-latency monitoring of system disruptions in industry 4.0: A federated learning approach
B Brik, M Messaadia, M Sahnoun, B Bettayeb, MA Benatia
ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems (TCPS) 6 (2), 1-23, 2022
PLM adoption in SMEs context
M Messaadia, D Baudry, A Louis, S Mahdikhah, R Evans, J Gao, T Paquet, ...
Computer-Aided Design and Applications 13 (5), 618-627, 2016
Applying serious games in lean manufacturing training
M Messaadia, A Bufardi, J Le Duigou, H Szigeti, B Eynard, D Kiritsis
Advances in Production Management Systems. Competitive Manufacturing for …, 2013
System Engineering and PLM as an integrated approach for industry collaboration management
M Messaadia, F Belkadi, B Eynard
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 45 (6), 1135-1140, 2012
Towards AR/VR maturity model adapted to the building information modeling
A Assila, D Beladjine, M Messaadia
IFIP International Conference on Product Lifecycle Management, 753-765, 2020
Analyzing the required skills and competencies in Industrial revolution 4.0 and 5.0: A Literature Review
A Ghassoul, M Messaadia
2023 International Conference On Cyber Management And Engineering (CyMaEn …, 2023
Preliminary design and evaluation of strategic dashboards through the technology acceptance model
JM Vasnier, N Maranzana, M Messaadia, A Aoussat
Proceedings of the Design Society: DESIGN Conference 1, 777-786, 2020
A framework for improving the sharing of manufacturing knowledge through micro-blogging
RD Evans, JX Gao, O Owodunni, S Shah, S Mahdikhah, M Messaadia, ...
Advances in Production Management Systems. Innovative and Knowledge-Based …, 2014
Systems engineering processes deployment for PLM
M Messaadia, MH Jamal, AEK Sahraoui
International Conference on Product Lifecycle Management, Lyon, France, 2005
Investigation into current industrial practices relating to product lifecycle management in a multi-national manufacturing company
IA Essop, RD Evans, S Wan, MP Giddaluru, JX Gao, D Baudry, ...
Computer-Aided Design and Applications 13 (5), 647-661, 2016
A Novel Multi-Criteria Risk Matrix to Assist in the Strategy Formulation Process: The Case of SMEs
JM Vasnier, M Messaadia, N Maranzana, A Aoussat
International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making 20 (03 …, 2021
A Business Process Modelling Approach to Improve OEM and Supplier Collaboration
M Sara, M Mourad, B David, L Anne
Journal of Advanced Management Science 2 (3), 246-253, 2014
On systems engineering deployment and requirements evolution
M Messaadia, MH El-Jamal, AEK Sahraoui
18th International Conference on Systems Engineering (ICSEng'05), 427-432, 2005
Crowdsourcing User‑Contributed Solutions to Aerospace Product Development Issues through Micro‑Blogging
RD Evans, JX Gao, S Mahdikhah, M Messaadia, D Baudry
Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management 14 (2), pp126‑136-pp126‑136, 2016
PLM as linkage process in a systems engineering framework
M Messaadia, AEK Sahraoui
International Journal of Product Development 4 (3-4), 382-395, 2007
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