Valentin Gâté
Valentin Gâté
Ingénieur, Silsef, Archamps
Потвърден имейл адрес: silsef.com
Metasurface-enhanced light detection and ranging technology
R Juliano Martins, E Marinov, M Youssef, C Kyrou, M Joubert, ...
Nature Communications 13 (1), 1-8, 2022
Fast dynamic interferometric lithography for large submicrometric period diffraction gratings production
V Gâté, G Bernaud, C Veillas, A Cazier, F Vocanson, Y Jourlin, M Langlet
Optical Engineering 52 (9), 2013
Improving light output and coincidence time resolution of scintillating crystals using nanoimprinted photonic crystal slabs
RH Pots, M Salomoni, S Gundacker, S Zanettini, V Gâté, E Usureau, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2019
Light extraction enhancement techniques for inorganic scintillators
F Gramuglia, S Frasca, E Ripiccini, E Venialgo, V Gâté, H Kadiri, ...
Crystals 11 (4), 362, 2021
Sub-micrometric patterns written using a DIL method coupled to a TiO2 photo-resist
V Gâté, Y Jourlin, F Vocanson, O Dellea, G Vercasson, S Reynaud, ...
Optical materials 35 (9), 1706-1713, 2013
Direct fabrication of a metal-like TiN-based plasmonic grating using nitridation of a photo-patternable TiO2 sol-gel film
L Berthod, V Gâté, M Bichotte, M Langlet, F Vocanson, C Jiménez, ...
Optical Materials Express 6 (8), 2508-2520, 2016
Soft nanoimprint lithography on SiO2 sol-gel to elaborate sensitive substrates for SERS detection
F Hamouda, JF Bryche, A Aassime, E Maillart, V Gâté, S Zanettini, ...
AIP Advances 7 (12), 2017
Impact on timing and light extraction of a photonic crystal as measured on a half patterned LYSO crystal: implications for time of flight PET imaging
A Iltis, S Zanettini, LR de Magalhaes, C Tata, A Soledade, MZ Hmissi, ...
Journal of Instrumentation 14 (06), P06036, 2019
Micro-nanostructured plasmonic TiN layer produced using rapid thermal nitridation of a nanoimprinted TiO2 sol-gel
N Crespo-Monteiro, A Valour, E Gamet, MA Usuga Higuita, V Gâté, ...
Optical Materials Express 12 (10), 3846-3855, 2022
Dynamic interferometry lithography on a TiO2 photoresist sol-gel for diffracting deflector module
V Gâté, L Berthod, M Langlet, F Vocanson, I Verrier, C Veillas, A Kaminski, ...
Journal of Nanomaterials 2017, 2017
New low cost high efficiency solar module: diffracting deflector mode.
V Gâté, Y Jourlin, M Langlet, F Vocanson, C Veillas, A Cazier
Photonics Europe, 2012
Doped sol-gel based microstructured layers to improve the light emission of luminescent coatings
L Marichez, G Chadeyron, D Zambon, F Réveret, A Potdevin, D Boyer, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 957, 170408, 2023
Ecriture de motifs périodiques submicrométriques sur films TiO2 sol-gel par lithographie interférométrique dynamique sur de grandes surfaces
V Gâté
Université Jean Monnet-Saint-Etienne, 2013
New industrial and innovative writing machine for the fabrication of sol-gel TiO2 based sub-micrometric period diffraction gratings
V Gâté, G Bernaud, C Veillas, A Cazier, Y Jourlin, M Langlet, F Vocanson, ...
Micro-Optics 2012 8428, 301-306, 2012
In situ monitoring of thin alumina passive film growth by surface plasmon resonance (SPR) during an electrochemical process
J Dutems, N Crespo-Monteiro, F Faverjon, V Gâté, D Turover, S Marcellin, ...
Scientific Reports 14 (1), 13804, 2024
Study of the wettability texturing hydrophobic surfaces prepared with cross-linked hybrid solutions under UV
M Mathieu, I Caldeira, B Toury, C Brylinski, V Gâte, D Turover
Surfaces, Interfaces and Coatings Technologies International conference, 2023
Procédé sol-gel de structuration de surface tout-inorganique
V Gâté, D Turover, M Langlet, D Riassetto
Methodology for the study of thermal nanoimprint lithography-induced deformation
L Boudier, E Daran, O Gauthier-Lafaye, V Gâté, F Carcenac, C Turbil, ...
48th International conference on micro and nanoengineering, 2022
Sol-gel based microstructured luminescent coating.
L Marichez, G Chadeyron, E Gamet, V Gate, Y Jourlin, I Verrier, ...
SolGel 2022, 2022
Plasmonic optical switch for refractive index sensing in air
H Bruhier, I Verrier, T Gueye, C Varenne, A Ndiaye, O Parriaux, C Veillas, ...
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