Federica Riva
Federica Riva
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RP and N400 ERP components reflect semantic violations in visual processing of human actions
AM Proverbio, F Riva
Neuroscience letters 459 (3), 142-146, 2009
Observation of static pictures of dynamic actions enhances the activity of movement-related brain areas
AM Proverbio, F Riva, A Zani
PLoS One 4 (5), e5389, 2009
Face coding is bilateral in the female brain
AM Proverbio, F Riva, E Martin, A Zani
PloS one 5 (6), e11242, 2010
When neurons do not mirror the agent's intentions: sex differences in neural coding of goal-directed actions
AM Proverbio, F Riva, A Zani
Neuropsychologia 48 (5), 1454-1463, 2010
The neural bases of social intention understanding: the role of interaction goals
N Canessa, F Alemanno, F Riva, A Zani, AM Proverbio, N Mannara, ...
PLoS One 7 (7), e42347, 2012
Is it a baby? Perceived age affects brain processing of faces differently in women and men
AM Proverbio, F Riva, A Zani, E Martin
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 23 (11), 3197-3208, 2011
Emotional egocentricity bias across the life-span
F Riva, C Triscoli, C Lamm, A Carnaghi, G Silani
Frontiers in aging neuroscience 8, 74, 2016
Age-related differences in the neural correlates of empathy for pleasant and unpleasant touch in a female sample
F Riva, M Tschernegg, PA Chiesa, IC Wagner, M Kronbichler, C Lamm, ...
Neurobiology of aging 65, 7-17, 2018
Neural Coding of Cooperative vs. Affective Human Interactions: 150 ms to Code the Action's Purpose
AM Proverbio, F Riva, L Paganelli, SF Cappa, N Canessa, D Perani, ...
PloS one 6 (7), e22026, 2011
Neural markers of opposite-sex bias in face processing
AM Proverbio, F Riva, E Martin, A Zani
Frontiers in psychology 1, 169, 2010
Sex differences in callosal transfer and hemispheric specialization for face coding
AM Proverbio, R Mazzara, F Riva, M Manfredi
Neuropsychologia 50 (9), 2325-2332, 2012
Another's pain in my brain: No evidence that placebo analgesia affects the sensory-discriminative component in empathy for pain
H Hartmann, M Rütgen, F Riva, C Lamm
Neuroimage 224, 117397, 2021
The role of right supra-marginal gyrus and secondary somatosensory cortex in age-related differences in human emotional egocentricity
F Riva, M Lenger, M Kronbichler, C Lamm, G Silani
Neurobiology of Aging 112, 102-110, 2022
Basolateral and central amygdala orchestrate how we learn whom to trust
R Sladky, F Riva, LA Rosenberger, J van Honk, C Lamm
Communications Biology 4 (1), 1329, 2021
Empathy decline at older age?
C Lamm, F Riva, G Silani
Aging (Albany NY) 10 (6), 1182, 2018
Placebo analgesia does not reduce empathy for naturalistic depictions of others’ pain in a somatosensory specific way
H Hartmann, F Riva, M Rütgen, C Lamm
Cerebral Cortex Communications 2 (3), tgab039, 2021
Age-related changes in human emotional egocentricity: evidence from multi-level neuroimaging
F Riva, M Lenger, M Kronbichler, C Lamm, G Silani
BioRxiv, 784215, 2019
Hungry for compliments? Ghrelin is not associated with neural responses to social rewards or their pleasantness
U Sailer, F Riva, J Lieberz, D Campbell-Meiklejohn, D Scheele, ...
Frontiers in Psychiatry 14, 1104305, 2023
To respond or not to respond: exploring empathy-related psychological and structural brain differences between placebo analgesia responders and non-responders
H Hartmann, M Banwinkler, F Riva, C Lamm
Frontiers in Psychology 14, 1257522, 2023
That did not age well: amygdala-mediated trust learning is impaired in older adults
R Sladky, F Riva, C Lamm
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