Paul E. Jose
Paul E. Jose
Professor of Psychology, Victoria University of Wellington
Потвърден имейл адрес: vuw.ac.nz
Do sources of meaning differentially predict search for meaning, presence of meaning, and wellbeing
ME Grouden, PE Jose
International journal of wellbeing 5 (1), 2015
Appraisals of emotion-eliciting events: Testing a theory of discrete emotions
PE Roseman, Ira J., Spindel, M. S., & Jose
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 59 (5), 899-915, 1990
Social disconnectedness, perceived isolation, and symptoms of depression and anxiety among older Americans (NSHAP): a longitudinal mediation analysis
ZI Santini, PE Jose, EY Cornwell, A Koyanagi, L Nielsen, C Hinrichsen, ...
The Lancet Public Health 5 (1), e62-e70, 2020
Appraisal determinants of emotions: Constructing a more accurate and comprehensive theory
IJ Roseman, AA Antoniou, PE Jose
Cognition & Emotion 10 (3), 241-278, 1996
Doing statistical mediation and moderation
PE Jose
Guilford Press, 2013
Does social connectedness promote a greater sense of well‐being in adolescence over time?
PE Jose, N Ryan, J Pryor
Journal of Research on Adolescence 22 (2), 235-251, 2012
When does the gender difference in rumination begin? Gender and age differences in the use of rumination by adolescents
PE Jose, I Brown
Journal of Youth and Adolescence 37, 180-192, 2008
Parental involvement in children's schooling: Different meanings in different cultures.
CS Huntsinger, PE Jose
Early Childhood Research Quarterly 24 (4), 398-410, 2009
Does savoring increase happiness? A daily diary study
PE Jose, BT Lim, FB Bryant
The Journal of Positive Psychology 7 (3), 176-187, 2012
ModGraph-I: A programme to compute cell means for the graphical display of moderational analyses: The internet version, Version 3.0
PE Jose
Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand 2, 2020, 2013
Lay definitions of happiness across nations: The primacy of inner harmony and relational connectedness
A Delle Fave, I Brdar, MP Wissing, U Araujo, A Castro Solano, T Freire, ...
Frontiers in psychology 7, 30, 2016
The development of story liking: Character identification, suspense, and outcome resolution.
PE Jose, WF Brewer
Developmental Psychology 20 (5), 911-924, 1984
Parental values and practices relevant to young children’s social development in Taiwan and the United States
PE Jose, CS Huntsinger, PR Huntsinger, FR Liaw
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 31 (6), 677-702, 2000
Cultural differences in early mathematics learning: A comparison of Euro-American, Chinese-American, and Taiwan-Chinese families
CS Huntsinger, PE Jose, FR Liaw, WD Ching
International Journal of Behavioral Development 21 (2), 371-388, 1997
Mathematics, vocabulary, and reading development in Chinese American and European American children over the primary school years.
CS Huntsinger, PE Jose, SL Larson, D Balsink Krieg, C Shaligram
Journal of Educational Psychology 92 (4), 745, 2000
Identity, perceived religious discrimination, and psychological well‐being in Muslim immigrant women
M Jasperse, C Ward, PE Jose
Applied Psychology 61 (2), 250-271, 2012
Fine motor skills and mathematics achievement in East Asian American and European American kindergartners and first graders
Z Luo, PE Jose, CS Huntsinger, TD Pigott
British Journal of Developmental Psychology 25 (4), 595-614, 2007
The merits of using longitudinal mediation
PE Jose
Educational Psychologist 51 (3-4), 331-341, 2016
The joint development of traditional bullying and victimization with cyber bullying and victimization in adolescence
PE Jose, M Kljakovic, E Scheib, O Notter
Journal of Research on Adolescence 22 (2), 301-309, 2012
Parental facilitation of early mathematics and reading skills and knowledge through encouragement of home-based activities
CS Huntsinger, PE Jose, Z Luo
Early Childhood Research Quarterly 37, 1-15, 2016
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