Yannis Theocharis
Yannis Theocharis
Professor of Digital Governance, Technical University of Munich
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Using Twitter to mobilize protest action: online mobilization patterns and action repertoires in the Occupy Wall Street, Indignados, and Aganaktismenoi movements
Y Theocharis, W Lowe, JW Van Deth, G García-Albacete
Information, Communication & Society 18 (2), 202-220, 2015
From Liberation to Turmoil: Social Media And Democracy
JA Tucker, Y Theocharis, ME Roberts, P Barberá
Journal of Democracy 28 (4), 46-59, 2017
Young people, digital media, and engagement: A meta-analysis of research
S Boulianne, Y Theocharis
Social science computer review 38 (2), 111-127, 2020
The continuous expansion of citizen participation: a new taxonomy
Y Theocharis, JW van Deth
European Political Science Review 10 (1), 139-163, 2018
The conceptualization of digitally networked participation
Y Theocharis
Social Media+ Society 1 (2), 2056305115610140, 2015
Social Media and Political Communication in the 2014 Elections to the European Parliament
P Nulty, Y Theocharis, SA Popa, O Parnet, K Benoit
Electoral Studies 44, 429-444, 2016
A Bad Workman Blames His Tweets: The Consequences of Citizens' Uncivil Twitter Use When Interacting With Party Candidates
Y Theocharis, P Barberá, Z Fazekas, SA Popa, O Parnet
Journal of Communication 66 (6), 1007–1031, 2016
Political participation in a changing world: conceptual and empirical challenges in the study of citizen engagement
Y Theocharis, JW van Deth
Routledge, 2018
Does a crisis change news habits? A comparative study of the effects of COVID-19 on news media use in 17 European countries
P Van Aelst, F Toth, L Castro, V Štětka, C Vreese, T Aalberg, AS Cardenal, ...
Digital Journalism 9 (9), 1208-1238, 2021
Does Facebook increase political participation? Evidence from a field experiment
Y Theocharis, W Lowe
Information, Communication & Society 19 (10), 1465-1486, 2016
The Dynamics of Political Incivility on Twitter
Y Theocharis, P Barberá, Z Fazekas, SA Popa
Sage Open 10 (2), 2020
Stimulating citizenship or expanding entertainment? The effect of Facebook on adolescent participation
Y Theocharis, E Quintelier
New Media & Society 18 (5), 817-836, 2016
Young people, political participation and online postmaterialism in Greece
Y Theocharis
New Media & Society 13 (2), 203-223, 2011
Does the platform matter? Social media and COVID-19 conspiracy theory beliefs in 17 countries
Y Theocharis, A Cardenal, S Jin, T Aalberg, DN Hopmann, J Strömbäck, ...
new media & society, 146144482110456, 2021
Cuts, Tweets, Solidarity and Mobilisation: How the Internet Shaped the Student Occupations
Y Theocharis
Parliamentary Affairs 65 (1), 162-194, 2012
The wealth of (Occupation) networks? Communication patterns and information distribution in a twitter protest network
Y Theocharis
Journal of Information Technology & Politics 10 (1), 35-56, 2013
Tweeting alone? An analysis of bridging and bonding social capital in online networks
J Sajuria, J vanHeerde-Hudson, D Hudson, N Dasandi, Y Theocharis
American Politics Research 43 (4), 708-738, 2015
Online Political Engagement, Facebook, and Personality Traits
E Quintelier, Y Theocharis
Social Science Computer Review 31 (3), 280-290, 2013
Platform affordances and political participation: how social media reshape political engagement
Y Theocharis, S Boulianne, K Koc-Michalska, B Bimber
West European Politics 46 (4), 788-811, 2023
Digitally Networked Participation and Lifestyle Politics as New Modes of Political Participation
Y Theocharis, J de Moor, JW van Deth
Policy & Internet 13 (1), 30-53, 2021
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