Amjad Hawash
Amjad Hawash
استاذ مشارك في علم الحاسوب في جامعة النجاح
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A genetic algorithm (GA) and swarm-based binary decision diagram (BDD) reordering optimizer reinforced with recent operators
A Awad, A Hawash, B Abdalhaq
IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation 27 (3), 535-549, 2022
Reversible function synthesis of large reversible functions with no ancillary bits using covering set partitions
M Hawash, M Perkowski, S Bleiler, J Caughman, A Hawash
2011 Eighth International Conference on Information Technology: New …, 2011
Reversible Circuit Synthesis Time Reduction Based on Subtree-Circuit Mapping
BA Amjad Hawash, Ahmed Awad
Applied Sciences 10 (12), 19, 2020
Using ontologies for users-groups matching in an annotation system
D Avola, P Bottoni, A Hawash
2013 5th International Conference on Computer Science and Information …, 2013
Application of genetic algorithm for synthesis of large reversible circuits using covered set partitions
MM Hawash, B Abdalhaq, A Hawash, M Perkowski
A fast Binary Decision Diagram (BDD)-based reversible logic optimization engine driven by recent meta-heuristic reordering algorithms
B Abdalhaq, A Awad, A Hawash
Microelectronics Reliability 123, 114168, 2021
Reversible logic synthesis using binary decision diagrams with exploiting efficient reordering operators
BK Abdalhaq, A Awad, A Hawash
IEEE Access 8, 156001-156016, 2020
A swarm based binary decision diagram (bdd) reordering optimizer for reversible circuit synthesis
B Abdalhaq, A Awad, A Hawash
2020 15th Design & Technology of Integrated Systems in Nanoscale Era (DTIS), 1-6, 2020
A comparative analysis of binary decision diagram reordering algorithms for reversible circuit synthesis
A Awad, B Abdalhaq, A Hawash, D Johnson
2018 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), 104-111, 2018
Users-groups matching in an annotation system: Ontological and url relevance measures
D Avola, P Bottoni, A Hawash
2014 6th International Conference on Computer Science and Information …, 2014
Introducing Groups to an Annotation System.
AW Hawash
CHItaly (Doctoral Consortium) 1065, 43-54, 2013
Forming Software Development Team: Machine-Learning Approach
Z Tanbour, D Khudarieh, H Abuodeh, A Hawash
2022 ASU International Conference in Emerging Technologies for …, 2022
Enhancing users collaboration by vocal annotations
E Asmar, S Salahat, F Zubdeh, A Hawash
2021 18th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices (SSD …, 2021
An interactive tool for sketch-based annotation
M Antico, D Avola, P Bottoni, A Hawash, K Kanev, FP Presicce
JJAP Conference Proceedings 14th International Conference on Global Research …, 2016
Towards reducing reversible circuit synthesis time
A Hawash, A Awad, B Abdalhaq
2019 IEEE Jordan International Joint Conference on Electrical Engineering …, 2019
Supporting group collaboration in an annotation system
D Avola, P Bottoni, A Hawash
Journal of Visual Languages & Computing 41, 22-40, 2017
Relevance measures for the creation of groups in an annotation system
D Avola, P Bottoni, A Hawash
Journal of Visual Languages & Computing 25 (6), 695-702, 2014
Penetration Testing and Attack Automation Simulation: Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach
I Jabr, Y Salman, M Shqair, A Hawash
An-Najah University Journal for Research-A (Natural Sciences) 39 (1), None-None, 2024
Enhancing Deaf and Dumb Collaboration by Video Annotations
AH Zaina Taha, Roaa Ghanem
2nd International Conference on Scientific and Academic Research ICSAR 2023, 2023
Whale Optimization Algorithm for Traffic Signal Scheduling Problem
T Thaher, B Abdalhaq, A Awad, A Hawash
International Conference on Information, Communication and Computing …, 2019
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