Dr. Zainal Abidin Mohamed
Dr. Zainal Abidin Mohamed
Professor of Agricultural Economics/Agribusiness, Universiti Putra Malaysia
Потвърден имейл адрес: putra.upm.edu.my
Non-Muslims’ awareness of Halal principles and related food products in Malaysia
R Golnaz, M Zainalabidin, S Mad Nasir, FC Eddie Chiew
International food research journal 17 (3), 667-674, 2010
Clinical characteristics with inflammation profiling of long COVID and association with 1-year recovery following hospitalisation in the UK: a prospective observational study
RA Evans, OC Leavy, M Richardson, O Elneima, HJC McAuley, ...
The Lancet Respiratory Medicine 10 (8), 761-775, 2022
Non‐Muslim consumers' understanding of Halal principles in Malaysia
G Rezai, Z Mohamed, MN Shamsudin
Journal of Islamic Marketing 3 (1), 35-46, 2012
A comparative analysis of global halal certification requirements
IA Latif, Z Mohamed, J Sharifuddin, AM Abdullah, MM Ismail
Journal of Food Products Marketing 20 (sup1), 85-101, 2014
Assessment of consumers’ confidence on halal labelled manufactured food in Malaysia
G Rezai, Z Mohamed, MN Shamsudin
Pertanika Journal of Social Science & Humanity 20 (1), 33-42, 2012
Sustained effectiveness of Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines against COVID-19 associated hospitalizations among adults—United States, March–July 2021
MW Tenforde
MMWR. Morbidity and mortality weekly report 70, 2021
Consumers' awareness and consumption intention towards green foods
G Rezai, PK Teng, Z Mohamed, MN Shamsudin
African Journal of Business Management 6 (12), 4496, 2012
Clients' perception towards JAKIM service quality in Halal certification
B Badruldin, Z Mohamed, J Sharifuddin, G Rezai, A Mahir Abdullah, ...
Journal of Islamic Marketing 3 (1), 59-71, 2012
Creating a farmer sustainability index: a Malaysian case study
DC Taylor, ZA Mohamed, MN Shamsudin, MG Mohayidin, EFC Chiew
American journal of alternative agriculture 8 (4), 175-184, 1993
Enhancing young graduates’ intention towards entrepreneurship development in Malaysia
Z Mohamed, G Rezai, M Nasir Shamsudin, M Mu’az Mahmud
Education+ Training 54 (7), 605-618, 2012
Halal logo and consumers’ confidence: What are the important factors
Z Mohamed, G Rezai, MN Shamsudin, EFC Chiew
Economic and Technology Management Review 3 (1), 37-45, 2008
The effect of possessing information about halal logo on consumer confidence in Malaysia
Z Mohamed, MN Shamsudin, G Rezai
Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing 25 (sup1), 73-86, 2013
Food labels’ impact assessment on consumer purchasing behavior in Malaysia
ZAB Abdul Latiff, G Rezai, Z Mohamed, M Amizi Ayob
Journal of food products marketing 22 (2), 137-146, 2016
Urban agriculture: A way forward to food and nutrition security in Malaysia
G Rezai, MN Shamsudin, Z Mohamed
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 216, 39-45, 2016
Comparative analysis of technical efficiency for different production culture systems and species of freshwater aquaculture in Peninsular Malaysia
A Iliyasu, ZA Mohamed, R Terano
Aquaculture Reports 3 (1), 51-57, 2016
The impact of fertilizer subsidy on Malaysia paddy/rice industry using a system dynamics approach
NN Ramli, MN Shamsudin, Z Mohamed, A Radam
International Journal of Social Science and Humanity 2 (3), 213, 2012
Can halal be sustainable? Study on Malaysian consumers’ perspective
G Rezai, Z Mohamed, MN Shamsudin
Journal of Food Products Marketing 21 (6), 654-666, 2015
Factors influencing intention to adopt sustainable agriculture practices among paddy farmers in Kada, Malaysia
R Terano, Z Mohamed, MN Shamsudin, IA Latif
Asian Journal of Agricultural Research 9 (5), 268-275, 2015
SARS-CoV-2-specific nasal IgA wanes 9 months after hospitalisation with COVID-19 and is not induced by subsequent vaccination
F Liew, S Talwar, A Cross, BJ Willett, S Scott, N Logan, MK Siggins, ...
EBioMedicine 87, 2023
Effect of perceptual differences on consumer purchase intention of natural functional food
G Rezai, PK Teng, MN Shamsudin, Z Mohamed, JL Stanton
Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies 7 (2), 153-173, 2017
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