Guiyi Wei
Guiyi Wei
Zhejiang Gongshang University
Потвърден имейл адрес: zjgsu.edu.cn - Начална страница
Fog computing: Focusing on mobile users at the edge
TH Luan, L Gao, Z Li, Y Xiang, G Wei, L Sun
arXiv preprint arXiv:1502.01815, 2015
A game-theoretic method of fair resource allocation for cloud computing services
G Wei, AV Vasilakos, Y Zheng, N Xiong
The journal of supercomputing 54, 252-269, 2010
Prediction-based data aggregation in wireless sensor networks: Combining grey model and Kalman Filter
G Wei, Y Ling, B Guo, B Xiao, AV Vasilakos
Computer Communications 34 (6), 793-802, 2011
CCA-secure ABE with outsourced decryption for fog computing
C Zuo, J Shao, G Wei, M Xie, M Ji
Future Generation Computer Systems 78, 730-738, 2018
GA-based task scheduler for the cloud computing systems
Y Ge, G Wei
2010 International conference on web information systems and mining 2, 181-186, 2010
Data security and privacy in fog computing
Y Guan, J Shao, G Wei, M Xie
IEEE Network 32 (5), 106-111, 2018
Internet traffic classification using constrained clustering
Y Wang, Y Xiang, J Zhang, W Zhou, G Wei, LT Yang
IEEE transactions on parallel and distributed systems 25 (11), 2932-2943, 2013
Security threats in the data plane of software-defined networks
S Gao, Z Li, B Xiao, G Wei
IEEE network 32 (4), 108-113, 2018
Secure fine-grained encrypted keyword search for e-healthcare cloud
H Wang, J Ning, X Huang, G Wei, GS Poh, X Liu
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing 18 (3), 1307-1319, 2019
Obtain confidentiality or/and authenticity in big data by ID-based generalized signcryption
G Wei, J Shao, Y Xiang, P Zhu, R Lu
Information Sciences 318, 111-122, 2015
Fine-grained two-factor protection mechanism for data sharing in cloud storage
C Zuo, J Shao, JK Liu, G Wei, Y Ling
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 13 (1), 186-196, 2017
Anonymous proxy re‐encryption
J Shao, P Liu, G Wei, Y Ling
Security and Communication Networks 5 (5), 439-449, 2012
Toward privacy-preserving cybertwin-based spatiotemporal keyword query for ITS in 6G era
Y Guan, R Lu, Y Zheng, S Zhang, J Shao, G Wei
IEEE internet of things journal 8 (22), 16243-16255, 2021
Unreconciled collisions uncover cloning attacks in anonymous RFID systems
K Bu, X Liu, J Luo, B Xiao, G Wei
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 8 (3), 429-439, 2013
Attribute-based encryption with outsourced decryption in blockchain
H Zheng, J Shao, G Wei
Peer-to-peer networking and applications 13, 1643-1655, 2020
Unidirectional identity-based proxy re-signature
J Shao, G Wei, Y Ling, M Xie
2011 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 1-5, 2011
Concept, characteristics and defending mechanism of worms
Y Tang, J Luo, B Xiao, G Wei
IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems 92 (5), 799-809, 2009
Collaborative security in vehicular cloud computing: A game theoretic view
A Alamer, Y Deng, G Wei, X Lin
IEEE Network 32 (3), 72-77, 2018
Toward Oblivious Location-Based k-Nearest Neighbor Query in Smart Cities
Y Guan, R Lu, Y Zheng, J Shao, G Wei
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 8 (18), 14219-14231, 2021
Scheduling parallel cloud computing services: An evolutional game
G Wei, AV Vasilakos, N Xiong
2009 First International Conference on Information Science and Engineering …, 2009
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