Thanuja Gali Ramamoorthy
Thanuja Gali Ramamoorthy
Research Associate, University of Manchester
Потвърден имейл адрес: manchester.ac.uk
POMC: the physiological power of hormone processing
E Harno, T Gali Ramamoorthy, AP Coll, A White
Physiological reviews 98 (4), 2381-2430, 2018
Mechanism of p300 specific histone acetyltransferase inhibition by small molecules
M Arif, SK Pradhan, T GR, BM Vedamurthy, S Agrawal, D Dasgupta, ...
Journal of medicinal chemistry 52 (2), 267-277, 2009
Inhibition of lysine acetyltransferase KAT3B/p300 activity by a naturally occurring hydroxynaphthoquinone, plumbagin
KC Ravindra, BR Selvi, M Arif, BAA Reddy, GR Thanuja, S Agrawal, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 284 (36), 24453-24464, 2009
Developmental programming of hypothalamic neuronal circuits: impact on energy balance control
T Gali Ramamoorthy, G Begum, E Harno, A White
Frontiers in neuroscience 9, 126, 2015
Maternal overnutrition programs epigenetic changes in the regulatory regions of hypothalamic Pomc in the offspring of rats
T Gali Ramamoorthy, TJ Allen, A Davies, E Harno, C Sefton, ...
International Journal of Obesity 42 (8), 1431-1444, 2018
The transcriptional coregulator PGC-1β controls mitochondrial function and anti-oxidant defence in skeletal muscles
T Gali Ramamoorthy, G Laverny, AI Schlagowski, J Zoll, N Messaddeq, ...
Nature communications 6 (1), 10210, 2015
A vitamin D receptor selectively activated by gemini analogs reveals ligand dependent and independent effects
T Huet, G Laverny, F Ciesielski, F Molnar, TG Ramamoorthy, ...
Cell reports 10 (4), 516-526, 2015
Polyphenols prevent ageing‐related impairment in skeletal muscle mitochondrial function through decreased reactive oxygen species production
AL Charles, A Meyer, S Dal‐Ros, C Auger, N Keller, TG Ramamoorthy, ...
Experimental physiology 98 (2), 536-545, 2013
Mitochondrial uncoupling reduces exercise capacity despite several skeletal muscle metabolic adaptations
AI Schlagowski, F Singh, AL Charles, T Gali Ramamoorthy, F Favret, ...
Journal of Applied Physiology 116 (4), 364-375, 2014
The histone methyltransferase Ezh2 restrains macrophage inflammatory responses
GB Kitchen, T Hopwood, T Gali Ramamoorthy, P Downton, N Begley, ...
The FASEB Journal 35 (10), e21843, 2021
The transcriptional coregulator PGC-1β controls mitochondrial function and anti-oxidant defence in skeletal muscles. Nat Commun. 2015; 6: 10210
T Gali Ramamoorthy, G Laverny, AI Schlagowski, J Zoll, N Messaddeq, ...
Epub 2015/12/18. https://doi. org/10.1038/ncomms10210 PMID: 26674215, 0
Ezh2 restrains macrophage inflammatory responses, and is critical for neutrophil migration in response to pulmonary infection
GB Kitchen, T Hopwood, TG Ramamoorthy, P Downton, N Begley, ...
bioRxiv, 2020.07. 24.219154, 2020
Glucocorticoid treatment rapidly increases AgRP and food intake with delayed effects on other metabolic systems
E Harno, A Davies, TJ Allen, C Sefton, JR Wray, TG Ramamoorthy, ...
Endocrine Abstracts 44, 2016
Maternal overnutrition programs hypothalamic neuropeptides and metabolic syndrome in offspring
TG Ramamoorthy, TJ Allen, A Davies, E Harno, C Sefton, J Wray, ...
Endocrine Abstracts 38, 2015
Hypothalamic glucocorticoid levels increase in an in vivo model of glucocorticoid-induced obesity and hyperinsulinaemia
C Sefton, E Harno, A Davies, H Small, TJ Allen, J Wray, TG Ramamoorthy, ...
Endocrine Abstracts 38, 2015
Glucocorticoid excess increases hypothalamic AgRP and results in obesity and hyperinsulinaemia in mice
J Wray, E Harno, A Davies, C Sefton, TG Ramamoorthy, TJ Allen, AP Coll, ...
Endocrine Abstracts 38, 2015
Role of PGC-1β and TIF2 co-regulators in mouse skeletal muscle function
TG Ramamoorthy
Strasbourg, 2013
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