Rheeda L. Ali
Rheeda L. Ali
Faculty AI, previously Johns Hopkins University, Imperial College London
Потвърден имейл адрес: faculty.ai
Computationally guided personalized targeted ablation of persistent atrial fibrillation
PM Boyle, T Zghaib, S Zahid, RL Ali, D Deng, WH Franceschi, JB Hakim, ...
Nature biomedical engineering 3 (11), 870-879, 2019
Preprocedure application of machine learning and mechanistic simulations predicts likelihood of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation recurrence following pulmonary vein isolation
JK Shade*, RL Ali*, D Basile, D Popescu, T Akhtar, JE Marine, DD Spragg, ...
Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology 13 (7), e008213, 2020
Voltage during atrial fibrillation is superior to voltage during sinus rhythm in localizing areas of delayed enhancement on magnetic resonance imaging: an assessment of the …
NA Qureshi, SJ Kim, CD Cantwell, VX Afonso, W Bai, RL Ali, ...
Heart rhythm 16 (9), 1357-1367, 2019
Arrhythmogenic propensity of the fibrotic substrate after atrial fibrillation ablation: a longitudinal study using magnetic resonance imaging-based atrial models
RL Ali*, JB Hakim*, PM Boyle, S Zahid, B Sivasambu, JE Marine, ...
Cardiovascular research 115 (12), 1757-1765, 2019
Proceedings of the annual international conference of the IEEE engineering in medicine and biology society, EMBS
CH Roney, KN Tzortzis, CD Cantwell, NA Qureshi, RL Ali, PB Lim
The role of personalized atrial modeling in understanding atrial fibrillation mechanisms and improving treatment
KN Aronis*, RL Ali*, NA Trayanova
International Journal of Cardiology 287, 139-147, 2019
An automated algorithm for determining conduction velocity, wavefront direction and origin of focal cardiac arrhythmias using a multipolar catheter
CH Roney, CD Cantwell, NA Qureshi, RL Ali, ETY Chang, PB Lim, ...
2014 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2014
Presence of left atrial fibrosis may contribute to aberrant hemodynamics and increased risk of stroke in atrial fibrillation patients
N Paliwal, RL Ali, M Salvador, R O’Hara, R Yu, UA Daimee, T Akhtar, ...
Frontiers in Physiology 12, 657452, 2021
A novel approach to mapping the atrial ganglionated plexus network by generating a distribution probability atlas
MY Kim, MB Sikkel, RJ Hunter, GA Haywood, DR Tomlinson, ...
Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology 29 (12), 1624-1634, 2018
Accurate Conduction Velocity Maps and Their Association With Scar Distribution on Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Patients With Postinfarction Ventricular Tachycardias
KN Aronis*, RL Ali*, A Prakosa, H Ashikaga, RD Berger, JB Hakim, ...
Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology 13 (4), e007792, 2020
Understanding AF Mechanisms Through Computational Modelling And Simulations
KN Aronis*, RL Ali*, JA Liang, S Zhou, NA Trayanova
Arrhythmia & Electrophysiology Review 8 (3), 210-219, 2019
Characterizing the arrhythmogenic substrate in personalized models of atrial fibrillation: sensitivity to mesh resolution and pacing protocol in AF models
PM Boyle, AR Ochs, RL Ali, N Paliwal, NA Trayanova
EP Europace 23 (Supplement_1), i3-i11, 2021
A software platform for the comparative analysis of electroanatomic and imaging data including conduction velocity mapping
CD Cantwell, CH Roney, RL Ali, NA Qureshi, PB Lim, NS Peters
2014 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2014
LASSNet: a four steps deep neural network for left atrial segmentation and scar quantification
AL Lefebvre, CAP Yamamoto, JK Shade, RP Bradley, RA Yu, RL Ali, ...
Challenge on Left Atrial and Scar Quantification and Segmentation, 1-15, 2022
A technique for visualising three-dimensional left atrial cardiac activation data in two dimensions with minimal distance distortion
CH Roney, KN Tzortzis, CD Cantwell, NA Qureshi, RL Ali, PB Lim, ...
2015 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2015
Left atrial enhancement correlates with myocardial conduction velocity in patients with persistent atrial fibrillation
RL Ali*, NA Qureshi*, S Liverani, CH Roney, S Kim, PB Lim, JH Tweedy, ...
Frontiers in Physiology 11, 1444, 2020
Automated fiducial point selection for reducing registration error in the co-localisation of left atrium electroanatomic and imaging data
RL Ali, CD Cantwell, NA Qureshi, CH Roney, PB Lim, SJ Sherwin, ...
2015 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2015
Computationally guided personalized targeted ablation of persistent atrial fibrillation. Nat Biomed Eng 3 (11): 870–879
PM Boyle, T Zghaib, S Zahid, RL Ali, D Deng, WH Franceschi, JB Hakim, ...
Prakosa A, Zimmerman SL, Ashikaga H, Marine JE, Kolandaivelu A, Nazarian S, Spragg 17 DD, Calkins H, Trayanova NA. Computationally guided personalized targeted ablation of 18 …
PM Boyle, T Zghaib, S Zahid, RL Ali, D Deng, WH Franceschi, JB Hakim, ...
Nat Biomed Eng 2019, 1-10, 16
A novel method for quantifying localised correlation of late-gadolinium intensity with conduction velocity
RL Ali, CD Cantwell, CH Roney, NA Qureshi, PB Lim, JH Siggers, ...
Computing in Cardiology 2014, 193-196, 2014
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