Mahzad Esmaeili-Falak
Mahzad Esmaeili-Falak
Assistant Professor of Geotechnical Engineering, North Tehran Branch, IAU.
Потвърден имейл адрес: iau-tnb.ac.ir
Predicting triaxial compressive strength and Young’s modulus of frozen sand using artificial intelligence methods
M Esmaeili-Falak, H Katebi, M Vadiati, J Adamowski
Journal of Cold Regions Engineering 33 (3), 04019007, 2019
Predicting resilient modulus of flexible pavement foundation using extreme gradient boosting based optimised models
R Sarkhani Benemaran, M Esmaeili-Falak, A Javadi
International Journal of Pavement Engineering 24 (2), 2095385, 2023
Experimental study of the mechanical behavior of frozen soils-A case study of Tabriz subway
M Esmaeili-Falak, H Katebi, A Javadi
Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering 62 (1), 117-125, 2018
A new approach to modeling the behavior of frozen soils
A Nassr, M Esmaeili-Falak, H Katebi, A Javadi
Engineering geology 246, 82-90, 2018
Ensemble deep learning-based models to predict the resilient modulus of modified base materials subjected to wet-dry cycles
M Esmaeili-Falak, R Sarkhani Benemaran
Geomechanics and Engineering 32 (6), 583-600, 2023
Physical and numerical modelling of pile-stabilised saturated layered slopes
R Sarkhani Benemaran, M Esmaeili-Falak, H Katebi
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Geotechnical Engineering …, 2022
Optimization of cost and mechanical properties of concrete with admixtures using MARS and PSO
RS Benemaran, M Esmaeili-Falak
Computers and Concrete, An International Journal 26 (4), 309-316, 2020
Improved arithmetic optimization algorithm and its application to carbon fiber reinforced polymer-steel bond strength estimation
X Shi, X Yu, M Esmaeili-Falak
Composite Structures 306, 116599, 2023
Estimation of rapid chloride permeability of SCC using hyperparameters optimized random forest models
DM Ge, LC Zhao, M Esmaeili-Falak
Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials 12 (5), 542-560, 2023
A comparative study on predicting the rapid chloride permeability of self‐compacting concrete using meta‐heuristic algorithm and artificial intelligence techniques
J Yuan, M Zhao, M Esmaeili‐Falak
Structural Concrete 23 (2), 753-774, 2022
Predicting the Young's modulus of frozen sand using machine learning approaches: State-of-the-art review
R Sarkhani Benemaran, M Esmaeili-Falak
Geomechanics and Engineering 34 (5), 507-527, 2023
Predicting the uniaxial compressive strength of oil palm shell lightweight aggregate concrete using artificial intelligence‐based algorithms
W Zhu, L Huang, L Mao, M Esmaeili‐Falak
Structural Concrete 23 (6), 3631-3650, 2022
Predicting the compressive strength of modified recycled aggregate concrete
C Yang, H Feng, M Esmaeili‐Falak
Structural Concrete 23 (6), 3696-3717, 2022
Effect of freezing on stress-strain characteristics of granular and cohesive soils
M Esmaeili-Falak, H Katebi, AA Javadi
Journal of Cold Regions Engineering 34 (2), 05020001, 2020
Application of optimization‐based regression analysis for evaluation of frost durability of recycled aggregate concrete
M Esmaeili‐Falak, R Sarkhani Benemaran
Structural Concrete, 2024
Effect of System’s Geometry on the Stability of Frozen Wall in Excavation of Saturated Granular Soils
M Esmaeili-Falak
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Tabriz, 2017
Investigating the stress-strain behavior of frozen clay using triaxial test
M Esmaeili-Falak, R Sarkhani Benemaran
Journal of Structural and Construction Engineering, 2022
Pile-soil interaction determined by laterally loaded fixed head pile group
A Poorjafar, M Esmaeili-Falak, H Katebi
Geomechanics and Engineering 26 (1), 13-25, 2021
Improvement of recycled aggregate concrete using glass fiber and silica fume
RS Benemaran, M Esmaeili-Falak, MS Kordlar
Multiscale and Multidisciplinary Modeling, Experiments and Design 7 (3 …, 2024
Improvement of the Mechanical and Durability Parameters of Construction Concrete of the Qotursuyi Spa
M Esmaeili-Falak, R Sarkhani Benemaran, R Seifi
Concrete Research 13 (2), 119-134, 2020
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