From consumer to prosumer: a supply chain revolution in 3D printing S Halassi, J Semeijn, N Kiratli International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management 49 (2 …, 2019 | 122 | 2019 |
A barrier analysis for distributed recycling of 3D printing waste: Taking the maker movement perspective B Peeters, N Kiratli, J Semeijn Journal of Cleaner Production 241, 118313, 2019 | 99 | 2019 |
Climate setting in sourcing teams: Developing a measurement scale for team creativity climate N Kiratli, F Rozemeijer, T Hilken, K de Ruyter, A de Jong Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management 22 (3), 196-204, 2016 | 60 | 2016 |
Purchasing and innovation: Past, present and future of the field of research T Johnsen, MA Le Dain, N Kiratli, H Schiele Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management 28 (2), 100768, 2022 | 24 | 2022 |
Supplier connectivity: a study on how to gain supplier acceptance for the integration of digital supply chain systems S Kalesh, N Kiratli-Schneider, H Schiele Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 29 (7), 83-96, 2024 | 3 | 2024 |
Fostering collective creativity in procurement: A conceptualization and application of team creativity climate in sourcing and co-innovation teams N Kiratli | 1 | 2016 |
A little help from my friends: Assessing the adjustment of small and medium-sized enterprises to corporate social responsibility N Kiratli, K de Ruyter, T van Laer | 1 | 2014 |
Creativity in Purchasing—What a Team Can Do N Kiratli The Nature of Purchasing: Insights from Research and Practice, 119-149, 2020 | | 2020 |
5 myths purchasers should know about creativity in purchasing N Kiratli DEAL!, 1-4, 2017 | | 2017 |
Where, how and why? Mapping Creativity in Purchasing N Kiratli, F Rozemeijer, AK Horn, M Steinbach The 26th International IPSERA conference, 2017 | | 2017 |
Fostering Collective Creativity in Procurement N Kiratli | | 2016 |
Sociaal kapitaal opbouwen met behulp van sociale media: feit of fictie voor inkoopprofessionals? FA Rozemeijer, N Kiratli, LRJ Quintens, JC de Ruyter Ontwikkelingen in het Marktonderzoek: Jaarboek 2014 MarktOnderzoekAssociatie …, 2014 | | 2014 |
Better Together: Leveraging Creative Climates to Enhance Sourcing Team Performance N Kiratli, F Rozemeijer, A Jong, E Van Poucke, K De Ruyter Available at SSRN 4855775, 0 | | |
14. Sociaal kapitaal opbouwen met behulp van sociale media: feit of fictie voor inkoopprofessionals? KO DE RUYTER Ontwikkelingen in het marktonderzoek, 201, 0 | | |