Márcio das Chagas Moura
Márcio das Chagas Moura
Professor of Industrial Engineering, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
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Failure and reliability prediction by support vector machines regression of time series data
M das Chagas Moura, E Zio, ID Lins, E Droguett
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 96 (11), 1527-1534, 2011
Real-time classification for autonomous drowsiness detection using eye aspect ratio
CBS Maior, MJ das Chagas Moura, JMM Santana, ID Lins
Expert Systems with Applications 158, 113505, 2020
Deep variational auto-encoders: A promising tool for dimensionality reduction and ball bearing elements fault diagnosis
G San Martin, E López Droguett, V Meruane, M das Chagas Moura
Structural Health Monitoring 18 (4), 1092-1128, 2019
Prediction of sea surface temperature in the tropical Atlantic by support vector machines
ID Lins, M Araujo, M das Chagas Moura, MA Silva, EL Droguett
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 61, 187-198, 2013
A particle swarm‐optimized support vector machine for reliability prediction
ID Lins, MDC Moura, E Zio, EL Droguett
Quality and Reliability Engineering International 28 (2), 141-158, 2012
A multi-objective genetic algorithm for determining efficient risk-based inspection programs
M das Chagas Moura, ID Lins, EL Droguett, RF Soares, R Pascual
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 133, 253-265, 2015
Computing confidence and prediction intervals of industrial equipment degradation by bootstrapped support vector regression
ID Lins, EL Droguett, M das Chagas Moura, E Zio, CM Jacinto
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 137, 120-128, 2015
A human reliability analysis methodology for oil refineries and petrochemical plants operation: Phoenix-PRO qualitative framework
MA Ramos, EL Droguett, A Mosleh, MDC Moura
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 193, 106672, 2020
On the q-Weibull distribution for reliability applications: An adaptive hybrid artificial bee colony algorithm for parameter estimation
M Xu, EL Droguett, ID Lins, M das Chagas Moura
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 158, 93-105, 2017
Sea surface temperature prediction via support vector machines combined with particle swarm optimization
ID Lins, M Moura, M Silva, E Droguett, D Veleda, M Araujo, C Jacinto
Proceedings of the 10th international probabilistic safety assessment …, 2010
Identification of risk features using text mining and BERT-based models: Application to an oil refinery
JB Macêdo, M das Chagas Moura, D Aichele, ID Lins
Process safety and environmental protection 158, 382-399, 2022
Mathematical formulation and numerical treatment based on transition frequency densities and quadrature methods for non-homogeneous semi-Markov processes
M das Chagas Moura, EL Droguett
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 94 (2), 342-349, 2009
A semi-Markov model with Bayesian belief network based human error probability for availability assessment of downhole optical monitoring systems
EL Droguett, M das Chagas Moura, CM Jacinto, MF Silva Jr
Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 16 (10), 1713-1727, 2008
Particle swarm-optimized support vector machines and pre-processing techniques for remaining useful life estimation of bearings
MCB Souto, M das ChAgAS MourA, ID Lins
Eksploatacja i Niezawodność 21 (4), 2019
Remaining useful life estimation by empirical mode decomposition and support vector machine
CBS Maior, M das Chagas Moura, ID Lins, EL Droguett, HHL Diniz
IEEE Latin America Transactions 14 (11), 4603-4610, 2016
Analysis of extended warranties for medical equipment: A Stackelberg game model using priority queues
M das Chagas Moura, JM Santana, EL Droguett, ID Lins, BN Guedes
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 168, 338-354, 2017
Estimation of expected number of accidents and workforce unavailability through Bayesian population variability analysis and Markov-based model
M das Chagas Moura, RV Azevedo, EL Droguett, LR Chaves, ID Lins, ...
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 150, 136-146, 2016
Características sócio-demográficas das puérperas e seguimento da gravidez: o que mudou em 17 anos?
V Santos, M Moura, JP Pinto, V Almeida, J Maio
Acta Medica Portuguesa 24 (6), 877-84, 2011
A competing risk model for dependent and imperfect condition–based preventive and corrective maintenances
M das Chagas Moura, EL Droguett, PRA Firmino, RJ Ferreira
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of …, 2014
Revisiting past refinery accidents from a human reliability analysis perspective: The BP Texas City and the Chevron Richmond accidents
M Abílio Ramos, EL Droguett, A Mosleh, M das Chagas Moura, ...
The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering 95 (12), 2293-2305, 2017
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