Peter Sherman
Peter Sherman
PhD Candidate, Harvard University
Потвърден имейл адрес: g.harvard.edu
Modeling marine surface microplastic transport to assess optimal removal locations
P Sherman, E Van Sebille
Environmental Research Letters 11 (1), 014006, 2016
Ozone pollution over China and India: seasonality and sources
M Gao, J Gao, B Zhu, R Kumar, X Lu, S Song, Y Zhang, B Jia, P Wang, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 20 (7), 4399-4414, 2020
India’s potential for integrating solar and on-and offshore wind power into its energy system
T Lu, P Sherman, X Chen, S Chen, X Lu, M McElroy
Nature communications 11 (1), 4750, 2020
Production of hydrogen from offshore wind in China and cost-competitive supply to Japan
S Song, H Lin, P Sherman, X Yang, CP Nielsen, X Chen, MB McElroy
Nature communications 12 (1), 6953, 2021
Offshore wind: An opportunity for cost-competitive decarbonization of China’s energy economy
P Sherman, X Chen, M McElroy
Science advances 6 (8), eaax9571, 2020
China's emission control strategies have suppressed unfavorable influences of climate on wintertime PM2.5 concentrations in Beijing since 2002
M Gao, Z Liu, B Zheng, D Ji, P Sherman, S Song, J Xin, C Liu, Y Wang, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 20 (3), 1497-1505, 2020
Wind-generated electricity in China: Decreasing potential, inter-annual variability and association with changing climate
P Sherman, X Chen, MB McElroy
Scientific reports 7 (1), 16294, 2017
Projected global demand for air conditioning associated with extreme heat and implications for electricity grids in poorer countries
P Sherman, H Lin, M McElroy
Energy and Buildings 268, 112198, 2022
Grid integration feasibility and investment planning of offshore wind power under carbon-neutral transition in China
X Guo, X Chen, X Chen, P Sherman, J Wen, M McElroy
Nature Communications 14 (1), 2447, 2023
Seasonal prediction of Indian wintertime aerosol pollution using the ocean memory effect
M Gao, P Sherman, S Song, Y Yu, Z Wu, MB McElroy
Science advances 5 (7), eaav4157, 2019
Deep decarbonization of the Indian economy: 2050 prospects for wind, solar, and green hydrogen
S Song, H Lin, P Sherman, X Yang, S Chen, X Lu, T Lu, X Chen, ...
Iscience 25 (6), 2022
Projected changes in wind power potential over China and India in high resolution climate models
P Sherman, S Song, X Chen, M McElroy
Environmental Research Letters 16 (3), 034057, 2021
Sensitivity of modeled Indian monsoon to Chinese and Indian aerosol emissions
P Sherman, M Gao, S Song, AT Archibald, NL Abraham, JF Lamarque, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 21 (5), 3593-3605, 2021
Projected changes in seasonal and extreme summertime temperature and precipitation in India in response to COVID-19 recovery emissions scenarios
J D’Souza, F Prasanna, LN Valayannopoulos-Akrivou, P Sherman, ...
Environmental Research Letters 16 (11), 114025, 2021
China’s Clean Air Action has suppressed unfavorable influences of climate on wintertime PM2. 5 concentrations in Beijing since 2002
M Gao, Z Liu, B Zheng, D Ji, P Sherman, S Song, J Xin, C Liu, Y Wang, ...
Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., https://doi. org/10.5194/acp-2019-325, in review, 2019
Historical and future roles of internal atmospheric variability in modulating summertime Greenland Ice Sheet melt
P Sherman, E Tziperman, C Deser, M McElroy
Geophysical Research Letters 47 (6), e2019GL086913, 2020
Wind-generated Electricity in China: Decreasing Potential, Inter-annual Variability and Association with Changing Climate, Sci. Rep., 7, 16294
P Sherman, X Chen, MB McElroy
Seasonal prediction of Indian wintertime aerosol pollution using the ocean memory effect, Sci. Adv., 5, eaav4157
M Gao, P Sherman, S Song, Y Yu, Z Wu, MB McElroy
A statistical study of magnetic tunnel junctions for high-density spin torque transfer-MRAM (STTMRAM), IEDM Tech
R Beach, T Min, C Horng, Q Chen, P Sherman, S Le, S Young
Dig, 2008
The Influence of Dynamics and Emissions Changes on China’s Wintertime Haze
P Sherman, M Gao, S Song, P Ohiomoba, A Archibald, M McElroy
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 58 (7), 1603-1611, 2019
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