Kevin Mole
Kevin Mole
Associate Professor, Warwick Business School
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Entrepreneurial leadership, capabilities and firm growth
O Koryak, KF Mole, A Lockett, JC Hayton, D Ucbasaran, GP Hodgkinson
International Small Business Journal 33 (1), 89-105, 2015
Disentangling the antecedents of ambidexterity: Exploration and exploitation
O Koryak, A Lockett, J Hayton, N Nicolaou, K Mole
Research policy 47 (2), 413-427, 2018
Do more heavily regulated economies have poorer performing new ventures? Evidence from Britain and Spain
JL Capelleras, KF Mole, FJ Greene, DJ Storey
Journal of International Business Studies 39, 688-704, 2008
Business advisers' impact on SMEs: an agency theory approach
K Mole
International small business journal 20 (2), 139-162, 2002
Three decades of enterprise culture? Entrepreneurship, economic regeneration and public policy
FJ Greene, K Mole, DJ Storey
Palgrave Macmillan Ltd., 2008
Entrepreneurship as the structuration of individual and opportunity: A response using a critical realist perspective: Comment on Sarason, Dean and Dillard
KF Mole, M Mole
Journal of business venturing 25 (2), 230-237, 2010
Which SMEs seek external support? Business characteristics, management behaviour and external influences in a contingency approach
K Mole, D North, R Baldock
Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space 35 (3), 476-499, 2017
New small firm survival in England
G Saridakis, K Mole, DJ Storey
Empirica 35, 25-39, 2008
Assessing the effectiveness of business support services in England: Evidence from a theory-based evaluation
KF Mole, M Hart, S Roper, DS Saal
International small business journal 27 (5), 557-582, 2009
Differential gains from Business Link support and advice: a treatment effects approach
K Mole, M Hart, S Roper, D Saal
Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 26 (2), 315-334, 2008
Does more mean worse? Three decades of enterprise policy in the Tees Valley
FJ Greene, KF Mole, DJ Storey
Urban Studies 41 (7), 1207-1228, 2004
The use and deployment of soft process technologies within UK manufacturing SMEs: an empirical assessment using logit models
KF Mole, A Ghobadian, N O'regan, J Liu
Journal of small business management 42 (3), 303-324, 2004
Broader or deeper? Exploring the most effective intervention profile for public small business support
KF Mole, M Hart, S Roper, DS Saal
Environment and planning A 43 (1), 87-105, 2011
Perceived institutional support and small venture performance: The mediating role of entrepreneurial persistence
M Ahsan, S Adomako, KF Mole
International Small Business Journal 39 (1), 18-39, 2021
Innovation, business performance and regional competitiveness in the West Midlands: evidence from the West Midlands Business Survey
K Mole, L Worrall
European Business Review 13 (6), 353-364, 2001
Liquidity constraints in the first year of trading and firm performance
G Saridakis, K Mole, G Hay
International Small Business Journal 31 (5), 520-535, 2013
Making policy choices in nonfinancial business support: an international comparison
KF Mole, G Bramley
Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 24 (6), 885-908, 2006
Street-level technocracy in UK small business support: Business Links, personal business advisers, and the Small Business Service
K Mole
Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 20 (2), 179-194, 2002
The implications of public sector small business advisers becoming strategic sounding boards: England and Scotland compared
KF Mole, W Keogh
Entrepreneurship and regional development 21 (1), 77-97, 2009
Can Your Network Make You Happy? Entrepreneurs’ Business Network Utilization and Subjective Well‐being
A Newman, KF Mole, D Ucbasaran, N Subramanian, A Lockett
British Journal of Management 29 (4), 613-633, 2018
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