Joel B. Carnevale
Joel B. Carnevale
Associate Professor of Management, Syracuse University
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Employee Adjustment and Well-Being in the Era of COVID-19: Implications for Human Resource Management
JB Carnevale, I Hatak
Journal of Business Research 116, 183–187, 2020
Leading to stimulate employees' ideas: A quantitative review of leader–member exchange, employee voice, creativity, and innovative behavior
JB Carnevale, L Huang, M Crede, P Harms, M Uhl‐Bien
Applied Psychology 66 (4), 517-552, 2017
LMX-differentiation strengthens the prosocial consequences of leader humility: An identification and social exchange perspective
JB Carnevale, L Huang, T Paterson
Journal of Business Research 96, 287-296, 2019
Leader consultation mitigates the harmful effects of leader narcissism: A belongingness perspective
JB Carnevale, L Huang, PD Harms
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 146, 76-84, 2018
Speaking up to the “emotional vampire”: A conservation of resources perspective
JB Carnevale, L Huang, P Harms
Journal of Business Research 91, 48-59, 2018
Feeling obligated yet hesitant to speak up: Investigating the curvilinear relationship between LMX and employee promotive voice
JB Carnevale, L Huang, M Uhl‐Bien, S Harris
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 93 (3), 505-529, 2020
Laughing with me or laughing at me? The differential effects of leader humor expressions on follower status and influence at work
JB Carnevale, L Huang, KC Yam, L Wang
Journal of Organizational Behavior 43 (7), 1153-1171, 2022
Better to give than to receive (or seek) help? The interpersonal dynamics of maintaining a reputation for creativity
JB Carnevale, L Huang, LC Vincent, S Farmer, L Wang
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 167, 144-156, 2021
Self-centered and self-employed: Gender and the relationship between narcissism and self-employment
PD Harms, PC Patel, JB Carnevale
Journal of Business Research 121, 170-179, 2020
Greedy for thee or greedy for me? A contingency model of positive and negative reactions to leader greed
JB Carnevale, JE Carson, L Huang
Journal of Business Research 132, 897-905, 2021
Outshined by Creative Stars: A Dual-Pathway Model of Leader Reactions to Employees’ Reputation for Creativity
JB Carnevale, L Huang, L Vincent, L Yu, W He
Journal of Management, 2023
A Mixed Blessing? CEOs’ Moral Cleansing as an Alternative Explanation for Firms’ Reparative Responses Following Misconduct
JB Carnevale, KA Gangloff
Journal of Business Ethics 184 (2), 427-443, 2022
Capable Fish or Deficient Ponds? A Meta-Analysis of Consequences, Mechanisms, and Moderators of Perceived Overqualification
M Liao, JM Zhang, JB Carnevale, C Huang, L Wang
Journal of Management, 2024
Organizational Greed: Behavior, Perception, or Trait? Toward an Integrated Theory
JB Carnevale, AG Walker, HJ Walker
Academy of Management Proceedings 2016 (1), 11480, 2016
Emotions and Entrepreneurship: The Road Traveled, Boundary Conditions, and New Approaches
JB Carnevale, G Javadian, J Ormiston, MA Uy, S Zhan
Academy of Management Proceedings 2020 (1), 17464, 2020
Fulfilling Moral Duty or Prioritizing Moral Image? The Moral Self-Regulatory Consequences of Ethical Voice
L Huang, JB Carnevale, J Mackey, T Paterson, X Li, D Yang
Journal of Applied Psychology, 2024
Why and When is Narcissistic Leader Harmful: Exploring Mediating Mechanisms and Boundary Conditions
JB Carnevale, JTJ Chiang, Q Li, BP Owens
Academy of Management Proceedings 2019 (1), 11470, 2019
Greed at Work: A Review and Assessment
JB Carnevale, AG Walker
Academy of Management Proceedings 2014 (1), 12574, 2014
The Butt of the Joke: Understanding the Social Evaluations of Leader Humor Targets
JB Carnevale, A Benegal
Current Opinion in Psychology, 2023
Insatiable, Individualistic, and Investing in Oneself: Examining Employee Greed from COR Theory
JB Carnevale, L Huang, LC Vincent
Academy of Management Proceedings 2018 (1), 11274, 2018
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