Miriam Langeloh
Miriam Langeloh
Потвърден имейл адрес: cbs.mpg.de
Making sense of the world: Infant learning from a predictive processing perspective
M Köster, E Kayhan, M Langeloh, S Hoehl
Perspectives on psychological science 15 (3), 562-571, 2020
Visually entrained theta oscillations increase for unexpected events in the infant brain
M Köster, M Langeloh, S Hoehl
Psychological Science 30 (11), 1656-1663, 2019
Young infants process prediction errors at the theta rhythm
M Köster, M Langeloh, C Michel, S Hoehl
NeuroImage 236, 118074, 2021
DEEP: A dual EEG pipeline for developmental hyperscanning studies
E Kayhan, D Matthes, IM Haresign, A Bánki, C Michel, M Langeloh, ...
Developmental cognitive neuroscience 54, 101104, 2022
Reduced mu power in response to unusual actions is context-dependent in 1-year-olds
M Langeloh, D Buttelmann, D Matthes, S Grassmann, S Pauen, S Hoehl
Frontiers in psychology 9, 36, 2018
Motor cortex activity during action observation predicts subsequent action imitation in human infants
M Köster, M Langeloh, C Kliesch, P Kanngiesser, S Hoehl
NeuroImage 218, 116958, 2020
Interpersonal neural synchrony when predicting others’ actions during a game of rock-paper-scissors
E Kayhan, T Nguyen, D Matthes, M Langeloh, C Michel, J Jiang, S Hoehl
Scientific reports 12 (1), 12967, 2022
12-to 14-month-olds expect unconstrained agents to act efficiently: Event-related potential (ERP) evidence from the head-touch paradigm.
M Langeloh, D Buttelmann, S Pauen, S Hoehl
Developmental Psychology 56 (7), 1252, 2020
Young infants process prediction errors at the theta rhythm. NeuroImage, 236, Article 118074
M Köster, M Langeloh, C Michel, S Hoehl
Motor cortex activity during action observation predicts subsequent action imitation in human infants. NeuroImage, 218, Article 116958
M Köster, M Langeloh, C Kliesch, P Kanngiesser, S Hoehl
Superior neural individuation of mother's than stranger's faces by five months of age
S Peykarjou, M Langeloh, E Baccolo, B Rossion, S Pauen
Cortex 155, 264-276, 2022
The value of subsequent memory paradigms in uncovering neural mechanisms of early social learning
M Köster, M Langeloh, C Kliesch, P Kanngiesser, S Hoehl
NeuroImage 234, 117978, 2021
Nine-to-ten-month-olds do not discriminate between expected and unexpected events in four different core knowledge domains
C Michel, M Langeloh, M Köster, S Hoehl
International Congress of Infant Studies, 2020
Are you like me? Contingent adult-infant interactions in a naturalistic dual-EEG paradigm
M Langeloh, C Michel, D Matthes, S Hoehl
International Congress of Infant Studies, 2020
Infants acquire novel actions through neural processes in their motor cortex.
M Köster, M Langeloh, C Kliesch, P Kanngiesser, S Hoehl
The International Congress of Infant Studies 2020: Virtual Congress, 2020
Infant face individuation: FPVS evidence
S Peykarjou, M Langeloh, E Baccolo, B Rossion, S Pauen
The neural dynamics of processing the unexpected in the infant brain.
M Köster, M Langeloh, C Michel, S Hoehl
Budapest CEU Conference on Cognitive Development 2020, 2020
Why do infants imitate selectively? Neural correlates of infants’ action understanding in the head-touch paradigm
M Langeloh
Infants prefer contingent social interactions: Novel insights from a dual-EEG paradigm
M Langeloh, C Michel, D Matthes, S Hoehl
Gemeinsame Tagung der Fachgruppen Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische …, 2019
Neuronal dynamics of infants ‘understanding and learning from others ‘actions
M Köster, M Langeloh, C Kliesch, P Kangiesser, S Hoehl
Gemeinsame Tagung der Fachgruppen Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische …, 2019
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