Daniela Remenska
Daniela Remenska
Computer Science PhD
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On the importance of predictor choice, modelling technique, and number of pseudo‐absences for bioclimatic envelope model performance
M Čengić, J Rost, D Remenska, JH Janse, MAJ Huijbregts, AM Schipper
Ecology and Evolution 10 (21), 12307-12317, 2020
LHCbDirac: distributed computing in LHCb
F Stagni, P Charpentier, R Graciani, A Tsaregorodtsev, J Closier, Z Mathe, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 396 (3), 032104, 2012
Using model checking to analyze the system behavior of the LHC production grid
D Remenska, TAC Willemse, K Verstoep, J Templon, H Bal
Future Generation Computer Systems 29 (8), 2239-2251, 2013
From UML to process algebra and back: An automated approach to model-checking software design artifacts of concurrent systems
D Remenska, J Templon, TAC Willemse, P Homburg, K Verstoep, ...
NASA Formal Methods: 5th International Symposium, NFM 2013, Moffett Field …, 2013
Property specification made easy: Harnessing the power of model checking in UML designs
D Remenska, TAC Willemse, J Templon, K Verstoep, H Bal
Formal Techniques for Distributed Objects, Components, and Systems: 34th …, 2014
The LHCb data management system
JP Baud, P Charpentier, K Ciba, R Graciani, E Lanciotti, Z Mathe, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 396 (3), 032023, 2012
Bringing Model Checking Closer To Practical Software Engineering
D Remenska
On the importance of predictor choice, modelling technique, and number of pseudoabsences for bioclimatic envelope model performance. Ecol Evol 10: 12307–12317
M Čengić, J Rost, D Remenska, JH Janse, MAJ Huijbregts, AM Schipper
The LHCb Distributed computing model and operations during LHC runs 1, 2 and 3
S Roiser, A Casajus, M Cattaneo, P Charpentier, P Clarke, J Closier, ...
POS PROCEEDINGS OF SCIENCE 239, 005-1-005-13, 2015
Major changes to the LHCb Grid computing model in year 2 of LHC data
L Arrabito, V Bernardoff, D Bouvet, M Cattaneo, P Charpentier, P Clarke, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 396 (3), 032092, 2012
Giving pandas ROOT to chew on: experiences with the XENON1T Dark Matter experiment
D Remenska, C Tunnell, J Aalbers, S Verhoeven, J Maassen, J Templon
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 898 (4), 042003, 2017
Assisting non-experts in property specification for automated formal verification
D Remenska, TAC Willemse, J Templon, K Verstoep, H Bal
submitted to IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 1, 2015
Analysis of DIRAC's behavior using model checking with process algebra
D Remenska, J Templon, T Willemse, H Bal, K Verstoep, W Fokkink, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 396 (5), 052061, 2012
A file-staging approach to optimizing large scale HEP data analysis
D Remenska
From UML to Process Algebra and Back
D Remenska, J Templon, TAC Willemse, P Homburg, K Verstoep, ...
LHCb: The Evolution of the LHCb Grid Computing Model
L Arrabito, V Bernardoff, V Romanovskiy, S Roiser, J Closier, A Vedaee, ...
Conference: CHEP 2012, 2012
LHCb: Analysing DIRAC's Behavior using Model Checking with Process Algebra
D Remenska
Conference: CHEP 2012, 2012
Optimization of Large Scale HEP Data Analysis in LHCb
D Remenska, R Aaij, G Raven, M Merk, J Templon, RJ Bril, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 331 (7), 072060, 2011
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