CUI Yanqing
CUI Yanqing
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Потвърден имейл адрес: tju.edu.cn
Investigation on the ignition delay prediction model of multi-component surrogates based on back propagation (BP) neural network
Y Cui, H Liu, Q Wang, Z Zheng, H Wang, Z Yue, Z Ming, M Wen, L Feng, ...
Combustion and Flame 237, 111852, 2022
Effects of flame temperature on PAHs and soot evolution in partially premixed and diffusion flames of a diesel surrogate
H Liu, Y Cui, B Chen, DC Kyritsis, Q Tang, L Feng, Y Wang, Z Li, C Geng, ...
Energy & fuels 33 (11), 11821-11829, 2019
Optical diagnostics and chemical kinetic analysis on the dual-fuel combustion of methanol and high reactivity fuels
Y Cui, H Liu, M Wen, L Feng, C Wang, Z Ming, Z Zhang, Z Zheng, H Zhao, ...
Fuel 312, 122949, 2022
Effects of methanol application on carbon emissions and pollutant emissions using a passenger vehicle
Z Zhang, M Wen, Y Cui, Z Ming, T Wang, C Zhang, JD Ampah, C Jin, ...
Processes 10 (3), 525, 2022
Multiple optical diagnostics on effects of fuel properties on spray flames under oxygen-enriched conditions
W Yi, H Liu, L Feng, Y Wang, Y Cui, W Liu, M Yao
Fuel 291, 120129, 2021
Optical diagnostics on the effects of fuel properties and coolant temperatures on combustion characteristic and flame development progress from HCCI to CDC via PPC
Y Cui, H Liu, C Geng, Q Tang, L Feng, Y Wang, W Yi, Z Zheng, M Yao
Fuel 269, 117441, 2020
Effect of the stagnation plate on PAHs, soot and OH distributions in partially premixed laminar flames fueled with a blend of n-heptane and toluene
L Feng, Q Wang, H Liu, Y Cui, Z Yang, Y Wang, W Yi, M Yao
Combustion and Flame 227, 52-64, 2021
Development of the ignition delay prediction model of n-butane/hydrogen mixtures based on artificial neural network
Y Cui, Q Wang, H Liu, Z Zheng, H Wang, Z Yue, M Yao
Energy and AI 2, 100033, 2020
Gasoline spray characteristics using a high pressure common rail diesel injection system by the method of laser induced exciplex fluorescence
L Feng, X Sun, X Pan, W Yi, Y Cui, Y Wang, M Wen, Z Ming, H Liu, M Yao
Fuel 302, 121174, 2021
Optical diagnostics of misfire in partially premixed combustion under low load conditions
Y Cui, H Liu, M Wen, L Feng, Z Ming, Z Zheng, T Fang, L Xu, XS Bai, ...
Fuel 329, 125432, 2022
Optical diagnostics of methanol active-thermal atmosphere combustion in compression ignition engine
M Wen, H Liu, Y Cui, Z Ming, L Feng, M Yao
Fuel 332, 126036, 2023
Study on combustion stability and flame development of ammonia/n-heptane dual fuel using multiple optical diagnostics and chemical kinetic analyses
M Wen, H Liu, Y Cui, Z Ming, L Feng, G Wang, M Yao
Journal of Cleaner Production 428, 139412, 2023
Study of methanol spray flame structure and combustion stability mechanisms by optical phenomenology and chemical kinetics
Z Ming, B Liu, X Zhang, M Wen, H Liu, Y Cui, Y Ye, C Wang, C Jin, ...
Fuel Processing Technology 252, 107947, 2023
Optical diagnostics on the effects of reverse reactivity stratification on the flame development in dual-fuel combustion
Y Cui, Z Zheng, M Wen, Q Tang, C Geng, Q Wang, H Liu, M Yao
Fuel 287, 119500, 2021
Study on single-fuel reactivity controlled compression ignition combustion through low temperature reforming
C Geng, H Liu, Y Cui, Z Yang, X Fang, L Feng, M Yao
Combustion and Flame 199, 429-440, 2019
Optical characterization of ethanol spray flame on a constant volume combustion chamber
X Zhang, C Geng, Z Ming, H Liu, Y Cui, C Jin, L Liu
Fuel Processing Technology 250, 107928, 2023
Effect of wall temperature on acetylene diffusion flame–wall interaction based on optical diagnostics and CFD simulation
H Liu, C Geng, Z Yang, Y Cui, M Yao
Energies 11 (5), 1264, 2018
Optical diagnosis study of fuel volatility on combustion characteristics of spray flame and wall-impinging flame
Z Ming, H Liu, Y Cui, M Wen, X Zhang, M Yao
Fuel Processing Technology 250, 107880, 2023
Supercritical thermophysical properties prediction of multi-component hydrocarbon fuels based on artificial neural network models
ZY Ming, HF Liu, QL Wang, ZY Yue, YQ Cui, MS Wen, MF Yao
Science China Technological Sciences 65 (4), 903-919, 2022
Optical investigation on polyoxymethylene dimethyl ethers spray flame at different oxygen levels in a constant volume vessel
ZQ Zheng, W Liu, HF Liu, L Feng, YQ Cui, S Zhang, MF Yao
Science China Technological Sciences 64 (8), 1611-1623, 2021
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