José Pelegrí-Sebastiá
LabView: entorno gráfico de programación
JRL Vizcaíno, JP Sebastiá
Marcombo, 2011
A Sensitive Triple-Band Rectifier for Energy Harvesting Applications
H Tafekirt, J Pelegri-Sebastia, A Bouajaj, MR Britel
IEEE Access, 2020
Power consumption analysis of operating systems for wireless sensor networks
R Lajara, J Pelegrí-Sebastiá, JJP Solano
Sensors 10 (6), 5809-5826, 2010
A Dual-Band Antenna for RF Energy Harvesting Systems in Wireless Sensor Networks
A Bakkali, J Pelegri-Sebastia, T Sogorb, V Llario, A Bou-Escriva
Journal of Sensors 2016, 1-8, 2016
Studying the feasibility of energy harvesting from broadcast RF station for WSN
T Sogorb, JV Llario, J Pelegri, R Lajara, J Alberola
Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference Proceedings, 2008 …, 2008
Glucose detection in human sweat using an electronic nose
O Olarte, J Chilo, J Pelegri-Sebastia, K Barbe, W Van Moer
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2013 35th Annual …, 2013
E-nose application to food industry production
J Chilo, J Pelegri-Sebastia, M Cupane, T Sogorb
IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine 19 (1), 27-33, 2016
Signal conditioning for GMR magnetic sensors: Applied to traffic speed monitoring GMR sensors
JP Sebastiá, JA Lluch, JRL Vizcaíno
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 137 (2), 230-235, 2007
Design of a virtual instrument for water quality monitoring across the Internet
F Toran, D Ramırez, AE Navarro, S Casans, J Pelegrı, JM Espı
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 76 (1-3), 281-285, 2001
Low-cost capacitive humidity sensor for application within flexible RFID labels based on microcontroller systems
J Pelegrí-Sebastiá, E García-Breijo, J Ibáñez, T Sogorb, N Laguarda-Miro, ...
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 61 (2), 545-553, 2012
Radio frequency energy harvesting-sources and techniques
MP Aparicio, A Bakkali, J Pelegri-Sebastia, T Sogorb, V Llario, A Bou
Renewable Energy-Utilisation and System Integration, 2016
Vehicle detection and car speed monitoring system using GMR magnetic sensors
J Pelegri, J Alberola, V Llario
IEEE 2002 28th Annual Conference of the Industrial Electronics Society. IECON 02, 2002
Vibration detector based on GMR sensors
JP Sebastiá, JA Lluch, JRL Vizcaino, JS Bellon
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 58 (3), 707-712, 2009
Spin-valve current sensor for industrial applications
J Pelegri, JB Ejea, D Ramirez, PP Freitas
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 105 (2), 132-136, 2003
Sistemas integrados con arduino
JRL Vizcaíno, JP Sebastía
México, DF.: Alfaomega, 2014
Predicting the batteries State of Health in Wireless Sensor Networks applications
R Lajara, JJP Solano, JP Sebastia
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2018
Solar inexhaustible power source for wireless sensor node
J Alberola, J Pelegri, R Lajara, JJ Perez
Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference Proceedings, 2008 …, 2008
A method for modeling the battery state of charge in wireless sensor networks
RJ Lajara, JJ Perez-Solano, J Pelegri-Sebastia
IEEE Sensors Journal 15 (2), 1186-1197, 2015
A solar energy powered autonomous wireless actuator node for irrigation systems
R Lajara, J Alberola, J Pelegrí-Sebastiá
Sensors 11 (1), 329-340, 2010
Survival and dispersal routes of head-started loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) post-hatchlings in the Mediterranean Sea
S Abalo-Morla, A Marco, J Tomás, O Revuelta, E Abella, V Marco, ...
Marine biology 165 (3), 51, 2018
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