Yingfang Zhou
Application of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) in coalbed methane and shale reservoirs: A review
Z Liu, D Liu, Y Cai, Y Yao, Z Pan, Y Zhou
International Journal of Coal Geology 218, 103261, 2020
A comprehensive review of pore scale modeling methodologies for multiphase flow in porous media
A Golparvar, Y Zhou, K Wu, J Ma, Z Yu
Advances in Geo-Energy Research 2 (4), 418-440, 2018
Recent developments on fractal-based approaches to nanofluids and nanoparticle aggregation
J Cai, X Hu, B Xiao, Y Zhou, W Wei
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 105, 623-637, 2017
Insights into matrix compressibility of coals by mercury intrusion porosimetry and N2 adsorption
Y Cai, Q Li, D Liu, Y Zhou, D Lv
International Journal of Coal Geology 200, 199-212, 2018
Investigations of CO2-water wettability of coal: NMR relaxation method
X Sun, Y Yao, D Liu, Y Zhou
International Journal of Coal Geology 188, 38-50, 2018
A permeability model for the hydraulic fracture filled with proppant packs under combined effect of compaction and embedment
D Chen, Z Ye, Z Pan, Y Zhou, J Zhang
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 149, 428-435, 2017
Imaged based fractal characterization of micro-fracture structure in coal
H Wu, Y Zhou, Y Yao, K Wu
Fuel 239, 53-62, 2019
Effects of pressure and temperature on gas diffusion and flow for primary and enhanced coalbed methane recovery
Y Cai, Z Pan, D Liu, G Zheng, S Tang, LD Connell, Y Yao, Y Zhou
Energy Exploration & Exploitation 32 (4), 601-619, 2014
Cleat structure analysis and permeability simulation of coal samples based on micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) and scan electron microscopy (SEM) technology
A Roslin, D Pokrajac, Y Zhou
Fuel 254, 115579, 2019
Analyses of representative elementary volume for coal using X-ray μ-CT and FIB-SEM and its application in permeability predication model
H Wu, Y Yao, Y Zhou, F Qiu
Fuel 254, 115563, 2019
Evolution of pore structure, submaceral composition and produced gases of two Chinese coals during thermal treatment
YD Cai, DM Liu, ZH Liu, YF Zhou, Y Che
Fuel Processing Technology 156, 298-309, 2017
Evaluation of structured coal evolution and distribution by geophysical logging methods in the Gujiao Block, northwest Qinshui basin, China
Y Wang, D Liu, Y Cai, Y Yao, Y Zhou
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 51, 210-222, 2018
Spontaneous imbibition in coal with in-situ dynamic micro-CT imaging
Y Lu, D Liu, Y Cai, Q Li, Y Zhou
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 208, 109296, 2022
Pore network modeling of thin water film and its influence on relative permeability curves in tight formations
M He, Y Zhou, K Wu, Y Hu, D Feng, T Zhang, Q Liu, X Li
Fuel 289, 119828, 2021
An updated study on CH4 isothermal adsorption and isosteric adsorption heat behaviors of variable rank coals
D Liu, Z Zou, Y Cai, Y Qiu, Y Zhou, S He
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 89, 103899, 2021
Fractal analysis of the effect of particle aggregation distribution on thermal conductivity of nanofluids
W Wei, J Cai, X Hu, Q Han, S Liu, Y Zhou
Physics Letters A 380 (37), 2953-2956, 2016
Size distribution and fractal characteristics of coal pores through nuclear magnetic resonance cryoporometry
T Yin, D Liu, Y Cai, Y Zhou, Y Yao
Energy & Fuels 31 (8), 7746-7757, 2017
Advances in multiscale numerical and experimental approaches for multiphysics problems in porous media
Y Yang, Y Zhou, MJ Blunt, J Yao, J Cai
Advances in Geo-Energy Research 5 (3), 233-238, 2021
Applications of digital core analysis and hydraulic flow units in petrophysical characterization
X Chen, Y Zhou
Advances in Geo-Energy Research 1 (1), 18-30, 2017
AFM measurement of roughness, adhesive force and wettability in various rank coal samples from Qinshui and Junggar basin, China
Y Lu, D Liu, Y Cai, C Gao, Q Jia, Y Zhou
Fuel 317, 123556, 2022
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