Energy usage in production of field crops in Turkey. O Yaldız, HH Öztürk, Y Zeren, A Bașçetinçelik | 334 | 1993 |
Experimental evaluation of energy and exergy efficiency of a seasonal latent heat storage system for greenhouse heating HH Öztürk Energy conversion and management 46 (9-10), 1523-1542, 2005 | 309 | 2005 |
Energy efficiency in pumps D Kaya, F Çanka Kılıç, HH Öztürk Energy Management and Energy Efficiency in Industry: Practical Examples, 329-374, 2021 | 264 | 2021 |
Experimental determination of energy and exergy efficiency of the solar parabolic-cooker HH Öztürk Solar energy 77 (1), 67-71, 2004 | 187 | 2004 |
Exergy‐based performance analysis of packed‐bed solar air heaters HH Öztürk, Y Demirel International journal of energy research 28 (5), 423-432, 2004 | 118 | 2004 |
Energy exploitation of agricultural biomass potential in Turkey HH Ozturk, A Bascetincelik Energy Exploration and Exploitation 5 (24), 313-330, 2006 | 102 | 2006 |
Yenilenebilir enerji kaynakları HH Öztürk Birsen Yayınevi, 2013 | 99 | 2013 |
Energy balance of wheat and maize crops production in Haciali undertaking MA Karaağaç, S Aykanat, B Çakır, Ö Eren, Z Bereket, MM Turgut 11th International Congress on Mechanization and Energy in Agriculture …, 2011 | 98 | 2011 |
Energy and exergy efficiency of a packed-bed heat storage unit for greenhouse heating HH Öztürk, A Başçetinçelik Biosystems engineering 86 (2), 231-245, 2003 | 98 | 2003 |
Energy analysis of the tillage systems in second crop corn production HH Ozturk, K Ekinci, ZB Barut Journal of Sustainable Agriculture 28 (3), 25-37, 2006 | 77 | 2006 |
Energetic and exergetic efficiency of latent heat storage system for greenhouse heating A Başçetinçelik, HÖ Paksoy, Y Demirel Renewable Energy 16 (1-4), 691-694, 1999 | 75 | 1999 |
Comparison of energy and exergy efficiency for solar box and parabolic cookers O HH Journal o Energy Engineering 1 (133), 53-62, 2007 | 71* | 2007 |
Bitkisel üretimde enerji yönetimi HH Öztürk Hasad yayıncılık, 2011 | 69 | 2011 |
The prospective of potential biogas plants that can utilize animal manure in Turkey K Ekinci, R Kulcu, D Kaya, O Yaldız, C Ertekin, HH Ozturk Energy Exploration and Exploitation 3 (28), 187-205, 2010 | 69 | 2010 |
Güneş enerjisi ve uygulamaları HH Öztürk Birsen Yayınevi, 2008 | 66 | 2008 |
Miscanthus, switchgrass, giant reed, and bulbous canary grass as potential bioenergy crops in a semi-arid Mediterranean environment RI Nazli, V Tansi, HH Öztürk, A Kusvuran Industrial Crops and Products 125, 9-23, 2018 | 58 | 2018 |
Agricultural biomass potential in Turkey A Başçetinçelik, C Karaca, HH Öztürk, M Kacıra, K Ekinci Proceedings of the 9th International Congress on Mechanization and Energy in …, 2005 | 51 | 2005 |
Güneş enerjisinden fotovoltaik yöntemle elektrik üretiminde güç dönüşüm verimi ve etkili etmenler HH Öztürk Elektrik Tesisat Ulusal Kongre ve Sergisi Bildirileri 1, 1-14, 2017 | 48 | 2017 |
Sera İklimlendirme Tekniği HH Öztürk Hasad Yayıncılık, 2008 | 48 | 2008 |