Chris Roberts
Chris Roberts
Senior University Teacher
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Interprofessional education: tips for design and implementation
C van Diggele, C Roberts, A Burgess, C Mellis
BMC Medical Education 20 (Suppl 2), 455, 2020
Assessment for selection for the health care professions and specialty training: consensus statement and recommendations from the Ottawa 2010 Conference
D Prideaux, C Roberts, K Eva, A Centeno, P Mccrorie, C Mcmanus, ...
Medical teacher 33 (3), 215-223, 2011
"Team-based learning (TBL) in the medical curriculum: better than PBL?"
A Burgess, J Bleasel, I Haq, C Roberts, R Garsia, T Robertson, C Mellis
BMC Medical Education 17 (243), 2017
Feedback in the clinical setting
A Burgess, C van Diggele, C Roberts, C Mellis
BMC Medical Education 20 (Suppl 2), 460, 2020
Team-based learning: design, facilitation and participation
A Burgess, C van Diggele, C Roberts, C Mellis
BMC Medical Education 20 (Suppl 2), 461, 2020
Readiness for self‐directed change in professional behaviours: factorial validation of the Self‐reflection and Insight Scale
C Roberts, P Stark
Medical education 42 (11), 1054-1063, 2008
GPs in cyberspace: the sociology of a ‘virtual community’
N Fox, C Roberts
The Sociological Review 47 (4), 643-671, 1999
Leadership in healthcare education
C van Diggele, A Burgess, C Roberts, C Mellis
BMC Medical Education 20 (Suppl 2), 456, 2020
Implementation of modified team-based learning within a problem based learning medical curriculum: a focus group study.
A Burgess, C Roberts, T Ayton, C Mellis
BMC Medical Education 4, 2018
Factors affecting the utility of the multiple mini‐interview in selecting candidates for graduate‐entry medical school
C Roberts, M Walton, I Rothnie, J Crossley, P Lyon, K Kumar, D Tiller
Medical education 42 (4), 396-404, 2008
Teaching clinical handover with ISBAR
A Burgess, C van Diggele, C Roberts, C Mellis
BMC Medical Education 20 (Suppl 2), 459, 2020
Portfolio-based assessments in medical education: are they valid and reliable for summative purposes?
C Roberts, DI Newble, AJ O'Rourke
Medical education 36 (10), 2002
Discovering professionalism through guided reflection
P Stark, C Roberts, D Newble, N Bax
Medical teacher 28 (1), e25-e31, 2006
Enhancing students' learning in problem based learning: validation of a self-assessment scale for active learning and critical thinking
U Khoiriyah, C Roberts, C Jorm, CPM van der Vleuten
BMC Medical Education 5, 140, 2015
2018 Ottawa consensus statement: Selection and recruitment to the healthcare professions
F Patterson, C Roberts, MD Hanson, W Hampe, K Eva, G Ponnamperuma, ...
Medical Teacher, 2018
Assuring the quality of high-stakes undergraduate assessments of clinical competence
C Roberts, D Newble, B Jolly, M Reed, K Hampton
Medical teacher 28 (6), 535-543, 2006
Exploring assessment factors contributing to students' study strategies: literature review
HM Al-Kadri, MS Al-Moamary, C Roberts, CPM Van der Vleuten
Medical teacher 34 (sup1), S42-S50, 2012
Scaffolding medical student knowledge and skills: team-based learning (TBL) and case-based learning (CBL).
A Burgess, E Matar, C Roberts, I Haq, J Wynter, L, Single, E Kalman, ...
BMC Medical Education 21 (1), 238, 2021
Facilitating small group learning in the health professions
A Burgess, C van Diggele, C Roberts, C Mellis
BMC Medical Education 20 (Suppl 2), 457, 2020
Entering and navigating academic medicine: academic clinician‐educators’ experiences
K Kumar, C Roberts, J Thistlethwaite
Medical education 45 (5), 497-503, 2011
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