Daehoon Han
Soft robotic manipulation and locomotion with a 3D printed electroactive hydrogel
D Han, C Farino, C Yang, T Scott, D Browe, W Choi, JW Freeman, H Lee
ACS applied materials & interfaces 10 (21), 17512-17518, 2018
Micro 3D printing of a temperature-responsive hydrogel using projection micro-stereolithography
D Han, Z Lu, SA Chester, H Lee
Scientific reports 8 (1), 1963, 2018
4D printing of a bioinspired microneedle array with backward‐facing barbs for enhanced tissue adhesion
D Han, RS Morde, S Mariani, AA La Mattina, E Vignali, C Yang, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 30 (11), 1909197, 2020
4D printing reconfigurable, deployable and mechanically tunable metamaterials
C Yang, M Boorugu, A Dopp, J Ren, R Martin, D Han, W Choi, H Lee
Materials Horizons 6 (6), 1244-1250, 2019
Recent advances in multi-material additive manufacturing: methods and applications
D Han, H Lee
Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering 28, 158-166, 2020
Rapid multi-material 3D printing with projection micro-stereolithography using dynamic fluidic control
D Han, C Yang, NX Fang, H Lee
Additive Manufacturing 27, 606-615, 2019
Self-assembly of free-standing RNA membranes
D Han, Y Park, H Kim, JB Lee
Nature Communications 5 (1), 4367, 2014
Self-limiting electrospray deposition for the surface modification of additively manufactured parts
DA Kovacevich, L Lei, D Han, C Kuznetsova, SE Kooi, H Lee, JP Singer
ACS applied materials & interfaces 12 (18), 20901-20911, 2020
Enzymatic size control of RNA particles using complementary rolling circle transcription (cRCT) method for efficient siRNA production
D Han, Y Park, H Nam, JB Lee
Chemical Communications 50, 11665-11667, 2014
Improving surface roughness of additively manufactured parts using a photopolymerization model and multi-objective particle swarm optimization
N Kim, I Bhalerao, D Han, C Yang, H Lee
Applied Sciences 9 (1), 151, 2019
Multimaterial printing for cephalopod-inspired light-responsive artificial chromatophores
D Han, Y Wang, C Yang, H Lee
ACS applied materials & interfaces 13 (11), 12735-12745, 2021
Modeling of fiber-reinforced polymeric gels
N Bosnjak, S Wang, D Han, H Lee, SA Chester
Mechanics Research Communications 96, 7-18, 2019
Multiplexing enhancement for the detection of multiple pathogen DNA
D Han, J Hong, HC Kim, JH Sung, JB Lee
Journal of nanoscience and nanotechnology 13 (11), 7295-7299, 2013
Aptamer-based microspheres for highly sensitive protein detection using fluorescently-labeled DNA nanostructures
D Han, J Hong, HC Kim, JH Sung, JB Lee
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 13 (11), 7259-7263, 2013
Self‐assembled DNA‐based giant thrombin nanoparticles for controlled release
JH Sung, D Han, JB Lee
Biotechnology journal 8 (2), 215-220, 2013
Design, development and evaluation of a two way actuated steerable needle
B Konh, HH Lee, VP Martin, V Zhao, D Han, H Lee, P Hutapea
Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems 57304, V002T04A022, 2015
Self-Healing and Thermal Responsive DNA Bioplastics for On-Demand Degradable Medical Devices
Y Ji, T Kim, D Han, JB Lee
ACS Materials Letters 6 (4), 1277-1287, 2024
Material-Efficient Multimaterial Projection Micro-stereolithography Using Droplet-Based Resin Supply
J Tobia, C Yang, J Kim, D Han, H Lee
International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green …, 2024
3D/4D 프린트된 전자기기 및 바이오메디컬 응용기술의 최근 발전
이효준, 한대훈
마이크로전자 및 패키징학회지 30 (4), 1-7, 2023
스마트 소재를 이용한 4D 프린팅 기술 및 관련 응용기술
이효준, 한대훈
고분자 과학과 기술 34 (4), 273-277, 2023
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