Paul R. Durkin
Paul R. Durkin
Assistant Professor at University of Manitoba
Потвърден имейл адрес: umanitoba.ca
High curvatures drive river meandering
Z Sylvester, P Durkin, JA Covault
Geology 47 (3), 263-266, 2019
Three-dimensional reconstruction of meander-belt evolution, Cretaceous McMurray Formation, Alberta foreland basin, Canada
PR Durkin, RL Boyd, SM Hubbard, AW Shultz, MD Blum
Journal of Sedimentary Research 87 (10), 1075-1099, 2017
Stratigraphic expression of intra-point-bar erosion and rotation
PR Durkin, SM Hubbard, RL Boyd, DA Leckie
Journal of Sedimentary Research 85 (10), 1238-1257, 2015
3-D stratigraphic mapping using a digital outcrop model derived from UAV images and structure-from-motion photogrammetry
PR Nesbit, PR Durkin, CH Hugenholtz, SM Hubbard, M Kucharczyk
Geosphere 14 (6), 2469-2486, 2018
Evolution of fluvial meander-belt deposits and implications for the completeness of the stratigraphic record
PR Durkin, SM Hubbard, J Holbrook, R Boyd
GSA Bulletin 130 (5-6), 721-739, 2018
Visualization and sharing of 3D digital outcrop models to promote open science
PR Nesbit, AD Boulding, CH Hugenholtz, PR Durkin, SM Hubbard
GSA Today 30 (6), 4-10, 2020
Earliest Olduvai hominins exploited unstable environments~ 2 million years ago
J Mercader, P Akuku, N Boivin, R Bugumba, P Bushozi, A Camacho, ...
Nature communications 12 (1), 3, 2021
Autogenic translation and counter point bar deposition in meandering rivers
Z Sylvester, PR Durkin, SM Hubbard, D Mohrig
GSA Bulletin 133 (11-12), 2439-2456, 2021
Fingerprinting of quartzitic outcrops at Oldupai Gorge, Tanzania
M Soto, J Favreau, K Campeau, T Carter, M Abtosway, PM Bushozi, ...
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 29, 102010, 2020
The effects of accretion-package geometry on lithofacies distribution in point-bar deposits
CA Hagstrom, SM Hubbard, DA Leckie, PR Durkin
Journal of Sedimentary Research 89 (5), 381-398, 2019
Recognizing the product of concave‐bank sedimentary processes in fluvial meander‐belt strata
PR Durkin, SM Hubbard, J Holbrook, Z Weleschuk, P Nesbit, ...
Sedimentology 67 (6), 2819-2849, 2020
Predicting heterogeneity in meandering fluvial and tidal‐fluvial deposits: The point bar to counter point bar transition
PR Durkin, SM Hubbard, DG Smith, DA Leckie
Fluvial Meanders and Their Sedimentary Products in the Rock Record, 231-249, 2018
Planform recognition and implications of a Cretaceous-age continental-scale river avulsion node in the Western Interior Basin, Alberta, Canada
HK Martin, SM Hubbard, CA Hagstrom, SC Horner, PR Durkin
Journal of Sedimentary Research 89 (7), 610-628, 2019
High curvatures drive river meandering: REPLY
Z Sylvester, P Durkin, JA Covault, GR Sharman
Geology 47 (10), e486-e486, 2019
Stratigraphic evolution of an estuarine fill succession and the reservoir characterization of inclined heterolithic strata, Cretaceous of southern Utah, USA
CL Johnson, L Stright, R Purcell, P Durkin
Petrographic characterization of raw material sources at Oldupai Gorge, Tanzania
J Favreau, M Soto, R Nair, PM Bushozi, S Clarke, CL DeBuhr, PR Durkin, ...
Frontiers in Earth Science 8, 158, 2020
Look ahead of the bit while drilling: Potential impacts and challenges of acoustic seismic while drilling in the mcmurray formation
S Nejadi, N Kazemi, JA Curkan, J Auriol, PR Durkin, SM Hubbard, ...
SPE Journal 25 (05), 2194-2205, 2020
Systematic sampling of quartzites in sourcing analysis: intra-outcrop variability at Naibor Soit, Tanzania (part I)
M Soto, J Favreau, K Campeau, T Carter, PR Durkin, SM Hubbard, R Nair, ...
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 12 (5), 100, 2020
Comment on “Using a modern analogue to interpret depositional position in ancient fluvial-tidal channels: Example from the McMurray Formation, Canada” by Andrew D. La Croix …
PR Durkin, SC Horner, CA Hagstrom
Geoscience Frontiers 11 (3), 1081-1086, 2020
The evolution of fluvial meander belts and their product in the rock record
P Durkin
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