Sehl Mellouli
Sehl Mellouli
Потвърден имейл адрес: fsa.ulaval.ca
Understanding smart cities: An integrative framework
H Chourabi, T Nam, S Walker, JR Gil-Garcia, S Mellouli, K Nahon, ...
2012 45th Hawaii international conference on system sciences, 2289-2297, 2012
Building understanding of smart city initiatives
S Alawadhi, A Aldama-Nalda, H Chourabi, JR Gil-Garcia, S Leung, ...
Electronic Government: 11th IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference, EGOV 2012 …, 2012
IoT and AI for smart government: A research agenda
A Kankanhalli, Y Charalabidis, S Mellouli
Government Information Quarterly 36 (2), 304-309, 2019
Smart government, citizen participation and open data
S Mellouli, LF Luna-Reyes, J Zhang
Information Polity 19 (1-2), 1-4, 2014
Winning the SDG battle in cities: how an integrated information ecosystem can contribute to the achievement of the 2030 sustainable development goals
J Corbett, S Mellouli
Information Systems Journal 27 (4), 427-461, 2017
From citizens to government policy-makers: Social media data analysis
OB Driss, S Mellouli, Z Trabelsi
Government Information Quarterly 36 (3), 560-570, 2019
Deploying governance networks for societal challenges
A Ojo, S Mellouli
Government Information Quarterly 35 (4), S106-S112, 2018
Context-aware recommender systems in mobile environment: On the road of future research
IB Sassi, S Mellouli, SB Yahia
Information Systems 72, 27-61, 2017
Open government, open data and digital government
LF Luna-Reyes, JC Bertot, S Mellouli
Government Information Quarterly 31 (1), 4-5, 2014
Modeling and simulation agent-based of natural disaster complex systems
K Mustapha, H Mcheick, S Mellouli
Procedia Computer Science 21, 148-155, 2013
Proactive and reactive e-government services recommendation
R Ayachi, I Boukhris, S Mellouli, N Ben Amor, Z Elouedi
Universal Access in the Information Society 15, 681-697, 2016
A realist perspective on AI-era public management
A Ojo, S Mellouli, F Ahmadi Zeleti
Proceedings of the 20th annual international conference on digital …, 2019
Electronic citizens participation: Systematic review
A Boudjelida, S Mellouli, J Lee
Proceedings of the 9th international conference on theory and practice of …, 2016
& Walker, S.(2012). Building understanding of smart city initiatives
S Alawadhi, A Aldama-Nalda, H Chourabi, JR Gil-Garcia, S Leung, ...
International conference on electronic government, 40-53, 2012
Multinational e-government collaboration, information sharing, and interoperability: An integrative model
C Navarrete, JR Gil-Garcia, S Mellouli, TA Pardo, J Scholl
2010 43rd hawaii international conference on system sciences, 1-10, 2010
Barriers to artificial intelligence adoption in smart cities: A systematic literature review and research agenda
AB Rjab, S Mellouli, J Corbett
Government Information Quarterly 40 (3), 101814, 2023
Reputation-based winner determination problem for combinatorial transportation procurement auctions
M Rekik, S Mellouli
Journal of the Operational Research Society 63 (10), 1400-1409, 2012
Smart cities and service integration initiatives in North American cities: A status report
A Aldama-Nalda, H Chourabi, TA Pardo, JR Gil-Garcia, S Mellouli, ...
Proceedings of the 13th annual international conference on digital …, 2012
Modeling e-government business processes: New approaches to transparent and efficient performance
H Chourabi, S Mellouli, F Bouslama
Information Polity 14 (1-2), 91-109, 2009
Smart cities in the era of artificial intelligence and internet of things: literature review from 1990 to 2017
AB Rjab, S Mellouli
Proceedings of the 19th annual international conference on digital …, 2018
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