The rise of the rhizosolenid diatoms JSS Damsté, G Muyzer, B Abbas, SW Rampen, G Massé, WG Allard, ...
Science 304 (5670), 584-587, 2004
299 2004 A comprehensive study of sterols in marine diatoms (Bacillariophyta): Implications for their use as tracers for diatom productivity SW Rampen, BA Abbas, S Schouten, JS Sinninghe Damste
Limnology and oceanography 55 (1), 91-105, 2010
255 2010 Effect of diatom nutrient limitation on copepod development: role of essential lipids WCMK Breteler, N Schogt, S Rampen
Marine Ecology Progress Series 291, 125-133, 2005
169 2005 Long chain 1, 13-and 1, 15-diols as a potential proxy for palaeotemperature reconstruction SW Rampen, V Willmott, JH Kim, E Uliana, G Mollenhauer, E Schefuß, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 84, 204-216, 2012
158 2012 A diatomaceous origin for long-chain diols and mid-chain hydroxy methyl alkanoates widely occurring in Quaternary marine sediments: Indicators for high-nutrient conditions JSS Damsté, S Rampen, W Irene, C Rijpstra, B Abbas, G Muyzer, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 67 (7), 1339-1348, 2003
142 2003 Influence of deep-water derived isoprenoid tetraether lipids on the TEX86H paleothermometer in the Mediterranean Sea JH Kim, S Schouten, M Rodrigo-Gámiz, S Rampen, G Marino, C Huguet, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 150, 125-141, 2015
126 2015 Role of essential lipids in copepod nutrition: no evidence for trophic upgrading of food quality by a marine ciliate WCMK Breteler, M Koski, S Rampen
Marine Ecology Progress Series 274, 199-208, 2004
99 2004 Sea surface temperature variations in the western Mediterranean Sea over the last 20 kyr: A dual‐organic proxy (UK′ 37 and LDI) approach M Rodrigo‐Gámiz, F Martínez‐Ruiz, SW Rampen, S Schouten, ...
Paleoceanography 29 (2), 87-98, 2014
90 2014 Seasonal and spatial variation in the sources and fluxes of long chain diols and mid-chain hydroxy methyl alkanoates in the Arabian Sea SW Rampen, S Schouten, SG Wakeham, JSS Damsté
Organic Geochemistry 38 (2), 165-179, 2007
89 2007 On the origin of 24-norcholestanes and their use as age-diagnostic biomarkers SW Rampen, S Schouten, B Abbas, F Elda Panoto, G Muyzer, ...
Geology 35 (5), 419-422, 2007
80 2007 A 90 kyr upwelling record from the northwestern Indian Ocean using a novel long-chain diol index SW Rampen, S Schouten, E Koning, GJA Brummer, JSS Damsté
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 276 (1-2), 207-213, 2008
71 2008 Constraints on the application of long chain diol proxies in the Iberian Atlantic margin MW de Bar, DJC Dorhout, EC Hopmans, SW Rampen, JSS Damsté, ...
Organic Geochemistry 101, 184-195, 2016
67 2016 Sources and proxy potential of long chain alkyl diols in lacustrine environments SW Rampen, M Datema, M Rodrigo-Gámiz, S Schouten, GJ Reichart, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 144, 59-71, 2014
64 2014 Evaluation of long chain 1, 14-alkyl diols in marine sediments as indicators for upwelling and temperature SW Rampen, V Willmott, JH Kim, M Rodrigo-Gámiz, E Uliana, ...
Organic Geochemistry 76, 39-47, 2014
64 2014 Occurrence of long chain 1, 14-diols in Apedinella radians SW Rampen, S Schouten, JSS Damsté
Organic Geochemistry 42 (5), 572-574, 2011
56 2011 Holocene changes in Proboscia diatom productivity in shelf waters of the north-western Antarctic Peninsula V Willmott, SW Rampen, E Domack, M Canals, JSS Damsté, S Schouten
Antarctic Science 22 (1), 3-10, 2010
53 2010 Constraints on the applicability of the organic temperature proxies U , TEX and LDI in the subpolar region around Iceland M Rodrigo-Gámiz, SW Rampen, H De Haas, M Baas, S Schouten, ...
Biogeosciences 12 (22), 6573-6590, 2015
47 2015 Potential biological sources of long chain alkyl diols in a lacustrine system L Villanueva, M Besseling, M Rodrigo-Gámiz, SW Rampen, D Verschuren, ...
Organic Geochemistry 68, 27-30, 2014
40 2014 Constraining the applicability of organic paleotemperature proxies for the last 90 Myrs MW de Bar, SW Rampen, EC Hopmans, JSS Damsté, S Schouten
Organic Geochemistry 128, 122-136, 2019
37 2019 The impact of oxic degradation on long chain alkyl diol distributions in Arabian Sea surface sediments M Rodrigo-Gámiz, SW Rampen, S Schouten, JSS Damsté
Organic Geochemistry 100, 1-9, 2016
36 2016