Adrian J. Bravo
Adrian J. Bravo
Associate Professor of Psychological Sciences, William & Mary
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Five facets of mindfulness and psychological health: Evaluating a psychological model of the mechanisms of mindfulness
DB Brown, AJ Bravo, CR Roos, MR Pearson
Mindfulness 6, 1021-1032, 2015
College student mental health: An evaluation of the DSM–5 self-rated Level 1 cross-cutting symptom measure.
AJ Bravo, MC Villarosa-Hurlocker, MR Pearson
Psychological Assessment 30 (10), 1382, 2018
Mindfulness and emotional outcomes: Identifying subgroups of college students using latent profile analysis
MR Pearson, AK Lawless, DB Brown, AJ Bravo
Personality and individual differences 76, 33-38, 2015
When traits match states: Examining the associations between self-report trait and state mindfulness following a state mindfulness induction
AJ Bravo, MR Pearson, AD Wilson, K Witkiewitz
Mindfulness 9, 199-211, 2018
Staying in the moment and finding purpose: The associations of trait mindfulness, decentering, and purpose in life with depressive symptoms, anxiety symptoms, and alcohol …
MR Pearson, DB Brown, AJ Bravo, K Witkiewitz
Mindfulness 6, 645-653, 2015
Moral injury and suicidality among combat-wounded veterans: The moderating effects of social connectedness and self-compassion.
ML Kelley, AJ Bravo, RL Davies, HC Hamrick, C Vinci, JC Redman
Psychological trauma: theory, research, practice, and policy 11 (6), 621, 2019
Getting personal with mindfulness: A latent profile analysis of mindfulness and psychological outcomes
AJ Bravo, LG Boothe, MR Pearson
Mindfulness 7, 420-432, 2016
Moral injury and PTSD as mediators of the associations between morally injurious experiences and mental health and substance use.
AR Battles, AJ Bravo, ML Kelley, TD White, AL Braitman, HC Hamrick
Traumatology 24 (4), 246, 2018
Mindfulness and psychological health outcomes: A latent profile analysis among military personnel and college students
AJ Bravo, MR Pearson, ML Kelley
Mindfulness 9, 258-270, 2018
Drinking to cope with depressive symptoms and ruminative thinking: A multiple mediation model among college students
AJ Bravo, MR Pearson, JM Henson
Substance use & misuse 52 (1), 52-62, 2017
Depressive symptoms, ruminative thinking, drinking motives, and alcohol outcomes: A multiple mediation model among college students in three countries
AJ Bravo, A Pilatti, MR Pearson, L Mezquita, MI Ibáñez, G Ortet
Addictive behaviors 76, 319-327, 2018
Distinguishing subpopulations of marijuana users with latent profile analysis
MR Pearson, AJ Bravo, BT Conner, Marijuana Outcomes Study Team
Drug and alcohol dependence 172, 1-8, 2017
Rumination as a mediator of the associations between moral injury and mental health problems in combat-wounded veterans.
AJ Bravo, ML Kelley, R Mason, SJ Ehlke, C Vinci, JC Redman
Traumatology 26 (1), 52, 2020
Psychometric properties of a Modified Moral Injury Questionnaire in a military population.
AL Braitman, AR Battles, ML Kelley, HC Hamrick, RJ Cramer, S Ehlke, ...
Traumatology 24 (4), 301, 2018
Can I use marijuana safely? An examination of distal antecedents, marijuana protective behavioral strategies, and marijuana outcomes
AJ Bravo, MA Prince, MR Pearson, Marijuana Outcomes Study Team
Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs 78 (2), 203-212, 2017
Alcohol use, cannabis use, and psychopathology symptoms among college students before and after COVID-19
TS Schepis, AS De Nadai, AJ Bravo, A Looby, MC Villarosa-Hurlocker, ...
Journal of psychiatric research 142, 73-79, 2021
Marijuana protective behavioral strategies as a moderator of the effects of risk/protective factors on marijuana-related outcomes
AJ Bravo, AM Anthenien, MA Prince, MR Pearson, ...
Addictive Behaviors 69, 14-21, 2017
A quantification of the alcohol use‐consequences association in college student and clinical populations: A large, multi‐sample study
MA Prince, MR Pearson, AJ Bravo, KS Montes
The American journal on addictions 27 (2), 116-123, 2018
The relationship between social anxiety and alcohol and marijuana use outcomes among concurrent users: A motivational model of substance use
MC Villarosa‐Hurlocker, AJ Bravo, MR Pearson, ...
Alcoholism: clinical and experimental research 43 (4), 732-740, 2019
Negative marijuana‐related consequences among college students in five countries: Measurement invariance of the Brief Marijuana Consequences Questionnaire
AJ Bravo, MR Pearson, A Pilatti, L Mezquita, ...
Addiction 114 (10), 1854-1865, 2019
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