Dr. Praveen  Kumar Singh
Dr. Praveen Kumar Singh
Assistant Professor, Teerthanker Mahaveer College of Agriculture Sciences, Teerthanker Mahaveer University, Moradabad
Потвърден имейл адрес: tmu.ac.in
Effects of sewage wastewater irrigation on soil properties, crop yield and environment
PK Singh, PB Deshbhratar, DS Ramteke
Agricultural water management 103, 100-104, 2012
Use of Azolla in rice production in India.
PK Singh
Synthesis and study of organically capped ultra small clusters of cadmium sulphide
M Kundu, AA Khosravi, SK Kulkarni, P Singh
Journal of materials science 32, 245-258, 1997
An audit of the incidence of arm lymphoedema after prophylactic level I/II axillary dissection without division of the pectoralis minor muscle
GQ della Rovere, I Ahmad, P Singh, S Ashley, IR Daniels, P Mortimer
Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England 85 (3), 158, 2003
Effect of sulphur and phosphorus on yield, quality and nutrient status of pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan)
PB Deshbhratar, PK Singh, AP Jambhulkar, DS Ramteke
Journal of Environmental Biology 31 (6), 933, 2010
An experimental performance evaluation of vortex tube
PK Singh, RG Tathgir, D Gangacharyulu, GS Grewal
Journal of the Institution of Engineers(India), Part MC, Mechanical …, 2004
Moisture stress and the water use efficiency of mustard
PK Singh, AK Mishra, M Imtiyaz
Agricultural Water Management 20 (3), 245-253, 1991
Development of a hybrid delta-endotoxin and its expression in tobacco and cotton for control of a polyphagous pest Spodoptera litura
P Singh, M Kumar, C Chaturvedi, D Yadav, R Tuli
Transgenic Research 13, 397-410, 2004
Effect of inorganic and bio-fertilizers on productivity and nutrients uptake in cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp]
R Khandelwal, SK Choudhary, SS Khangarot, MK Jat, R Singh
Legume Research-An International Journal 35 (3), 235-238, 2012
Seismic microzonation of Delhi for ground-shaking site effects
S Mukhopadhyay, Y Pandey, R Dharmaraju, PKS Chauhan, P Singh, ...
Current Science, 877-881, 2002
Nanoformulations a safer and effective option for agrochemicals
R Gogoi, P Dureja, PK Singh
Indian Farming 59 (8), 7-12, 2009
Tachyphylaxis to topical steroid measured by histamine-induced wheal suppression
G Singh, PK Singh
Int J Dermatol 25 (5), 324-6, 1986
Use of Azolla in Asian agriculture.
PK Singh
Role of Lactobacillus acidophilus loaded floating beads in chronic fatigue syndrome: behavioral and biochemical evidences
PK Singh, K Chopra, A Kuhad, IP Kaur
Neurogastroenterology & Motility 24 (4), 366-e170, 2012
Knowledge and attitude farmers towards improved wheat production technology
P Singh, M Choudhary, JP Lakhera
Indian Res. J. Ext. Edu 14 (2), 54-59, 2014
Symbiotic algal N2-fixation and crop productivity
PK Singh
Annual Review of Plant Sciences, 37-65, 1979
Genetic deletion of fibroblast growth factor 14 recapitulates phenotypic alterations underlying cognitive impairment associated with schizophrenia
TK Alshammari, MA Alshammari, MN Nenov, E Hoxha, M Cambiaghi, ...
Translational psychiatry 6 (5), e806-e806, 2016
Biofertilization of rice crop
PK Singh
Biofertilizers: potentialities and problems. Plant Physiology Forum …, 1988
Analysis of finite-strain equations of state for solids under high pressures
K Sushil, K Arunesh, PK Singh, BS Sharma
Physica B: Condensed Matter 352 (1-4), 134-146, 2004
Comparative efficacy of Trichoderma viride and Trichoderma harzianum against Fusarium oxysporum f sp. ciceris causing wilt of chickpea.
SR Shabir-u-Rehman, WA Dar, SA Ganie, JA Bhat, GH Mir, R Lawrence, ...
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