Zheng Chang
Multiobjective optimization for computation offloading in fog computing
L Liu, Z Chang, X Guo, S Mao, T Ristaniemi
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 5 (1), 283-294, 2017
IEEE 802.11 ac: Enhancements for very high throughput WLANs
EH Ong, J Kneckt, O Alanen, Z Chang, T Huovinen, T Nihtilä
2011 IEEE 22nd International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio …, 2011
Learn to cache: Machine learning for network edge caching in the big data era
Z Chang, L Lei, Z Zhou, S Mao, T Ristaniemi
IEEE Wireless Communications 25 (3), 28-35, 2018
Energy-efficient edge computing service provisioning for vehicular networks: A consensus ADMM approach
Z Zhou, J Feng, Z Chang, X Shen
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 68 (5), 5087-5099, 2019
Joint radio and computational resource allocation in IoT fog computing
Y Gu, Z Chang, M Pan, L Song, Z Han
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 67 (8), 7475-7484, 2018
Energy-efficient industrial internet of things: Overview and open issues
W Mao, Z Zhao, Z Chang, G Min, W Gao
IEEE transactions on industrial informatics 17 (11), 7225-7237, 2021
Socially aware dynamic computation offloading scheme for fog computing system with energy harvesting devices
L Liu, Z Chang, X Guo
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 5 (3), 1869-1879, 2018
Energy efficient optimization for computation offloading in fog computing system
Z Chang, Z Zhou, T Ristaniemi, Z Niu
GLOBECOM 2017-2017 IEEE Global Communications Conference, 1-6, 2017
Propagation channels for mmWave vehicular communications: State-of-the-art and future research directions
F Jameel, S Wyne, SJ Nawaz, Z Chang
IEEE Wireless Communications 26 (1), 144-150, 2018
Toward autonomous multi-UAV wireless network: A survey of reinforcement learning-based approaches
Y Bai, H Zhao, X Zhang, Z Chang, R Jäntti, K Yang
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 25 (4), 3038-3067, 2023
BEGIN: Big data enabled energy-efficient vehicular edge computing
Z Zhou, H Yu, C Xu, Z Chang, S Mumtaz, J Rodriguez
IEEE Communications Magazine 56 (12), 82-89, 2018
One dimensional convolutional neural networks for seizure onset detection using long-term scalp and intracranial EEG
X Wang, X Wang, W Liu, Z Chang, T Kärkkäinen, F Cong
Neurocomputing 459, 212-222, 2021
Adaptive service offloading for revenue maximization in mobile edge computing with delay-constraint
A Samanta, Z Chang
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 6 (2), 3864-3872, 2019
SAGECELL: Software-defined space-air-ground integrated moving cells
Z Zhou, J Feng, C Zhang, Z Chang, Y Zhang, KMS Huq
IEEE Communications Magazine 56 (8), 92-99, 2018
Energy-efficient resource allocation for wireless powered massive MIMO system with imperfect CSI
Z Chang, Z Wang, X Guo, Z Han, T Ristaniemi
IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking 1 (2), 121-130, 2017
Social network-based content delivery in device-to-device underlay cellular networks using matching theory
C Xu, C Gao, Z Zhou, Z Chang, Y Jia
IEEE Access 5, 924-937, 2016
Ultra-low thermal conductivity and high thermoelectric performance of two-dimensional triphosphides (InP 3, GaP 3, SbP 3 and SnP 3): a comprehensive first-principles study
Z Sun, K Yuan, Z Chang, S Bi, X Zhang, D Tang
Nanoscale 12 (5), 3330-3342, 2020
Internet of autonomous vehicles: architecture, features, and socio-technological challenges
F Jameel, Z Chang, J Huang, T Ristaniemi
IEEE Wireless Communications 26 (4), 21-29, 2019
Applications of backscatter communications for healthcare networks
F Jameel, R Duan, Z Chang, A Liljemark, T Ristaniemi, R Jantti
IEEE Network 33 (6), 50-57, 2019
NOMA-enabled backscatter communications: Toward battery-free IoT networks
F Jameel, S Zeb, WU Khan, SA Hassan, Z Chang, J Liu
IEEE Internet of Things Magazine 3 (4), 95-101, 2020
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