Guillaume Aulanier
Guillaume Aulanier
LPP (Observatoire de Paris-PSL) & RoCS (Universitet i Oslo)
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Physics of solar prominences: II—magnetic structure and dynamics
DH Mackay, JT Karpen, JL Ballester, B Schmieder, G Aulanier
Space Science Reviews 151, 333-399, 2010
Formation of torus-unstable flux ropes and electric currents in erupting sigmoids
G Aulanier, T Török, P Démoulin, EE DeLuca
The Astrophysical Journal 708 (1), 314, 2009
The nature of flare ribbons in coronal null-point topology
S Masson, E Pariat, G Aulanier, CJ Schrijver
The Astrophysical Journal 700 (1), 559, 2009
3-D magnetic configurations supporting prominences. I. The natural presence of lateral feet
G Aulanier, P Démoulin
Astronomy and Astrophysics, v. 329, p. 1125-1137 (1998) 329, 1125-1137, 1998
Nonlinear force-free field modeling of a solar active region around the time of a major flare and coronal mass ejection
CJ Schrijver, ML DeRosa, T Metcalf, G Barnes, B Lites, T Tarbell, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 675 (2), 1637, 2008
The Topology and Evolution of the BastilleDay Flare
G Aulanier, EE DeLuca, SK Antiochos, RA McMullen, L Golub
The Astrophysical Journal 540 (2), 1126, 2000
Criteria for flux rope eruption: non-equilibrium versus torus instability
P Démoulin, G Aulanier
The Astrophysical Journal 718 (2), 1388, 2010
CME associated with transequatorial loops and a bald patch flare
C Delannée, G Aulanier
Solar Physics 190, 107-129, 1999
The standard flare model in three dimensions-I. Strong-to-weak shear transition in post-flare loops
G Aulanier, M Janvier, B Schmieder
Astronomy & Astrophysics 543, A110, 2012
Slip-running reconnection in quasi-separatrix layers
G Aulanier, E Pariat, P Demoulin, CR DeVore
Solar Physics 238, 347-376, 2006
What is the source of the magnetic helicity shed by CMEs? The long-term helicity budget of AR 7978
P Démoulin, CH Mandrini, L van Driel-Gesztelyi, BJ Thompson, S Plunkett, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 382 (2), 650-665, 2002
Resistive emergence of undulatory flux tubes
E Pariat, G Aulanier, B Schmieder, MK Georgoulis, DM Rust, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 614 (2), 1099, 2004
Current sheet formation in quasi-separatrix layers and hyperbolic flux tubes
G Aulanier, E Pariat, P Démoulin
Astronomy & Astrophysics 444 (3), 961-976, 2005
The standard flare model in three dimensions-III. Slip-running reconnection properties
M Janvier, G Aulanier, E Pariat, P Démoulin
Astronomy & Astrophysics 555, A77, 2013
The standard flare model in three dimensions-ii. upper limit on solar flare energy
G Aulanier, P Démoulin, CJ Schrijver, M Janvier, E Pariat, B Schmieder
Astronomy & Astrophysics 549, A66, 2013
Electric currents in flare ribbons: observations and three-dimensional standard model
M Janvier, G Aulanier, V Bommier, B Schmieder, P Démoulin, E Pariat
The Astrophysical Journal 788 (1), 60, 2014
The 2011 February 15 X2 flare, ribbons, coronal front, and mass ejection: interpreting the three-dimensional views from the solar dynamics observatory and STEREO guided by …
CJ Schrijver, G Aulanier, E Pariat, C Delannée
The Astrophysical Journal 738 (2), 167, 2011
Solar filament eruptions and their physical role in triggering coronal mass ejections
B Schmieder, P Démoulin, G Aulanier
Advances in Space Research 51 (11), 1967-1980, 2013
Coexisting flux rope and dipped arcade sections along one solar filament
Y Guo, B Schmieder, P Démoulin, T Wiegelmann, G Aulanier, T Török, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 714 (1), 343, 2010
Hot spine loops and the nature of a late-phase solar flare
X Sun, JT Hoeksema, Y Liu, G Aulanier, Y Su, IG Hannah, RA Hock
The Astrophysical Journal 778 (2), 139, 2013
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