Allele-defined genome of the autopolyploid sugarcane Saccharum spontaneum L. J Zhang, X Zhang, H Tang, Q Zhang, X Hua, X Ma, F Zhu, T Jones, X Zhu, ... Nature genetics 50 (11), 1565-1573, 2018 | 600 | 2018 |
Haplotype-resolved genome assembly provides insights into evolutionary history of the tea plant Camellia sinensis X Zhang, S Chen, L Shi, D Gong, S Zhang, Q Zhao, D Zhan, L Vasseur, ... Nature Genetics 53 (8), 1250-1259, 2021 | 252 | 2021 |
Genomes of the banyan tree and pollinator wasp provide insights into fig-wasp coevolution X Zhang, G Wang, S Zhang, S Chen, Y Wang, P Wen, X Ma, Y Shi, R Qi, ... Cell 183 (4), 875-889. e17, 2020 | 119 | 2020 |
Wolfberry genomes and the evolution of Lycium (Solanaceae) YL Cao, Y Li, YF Fan, Z Li, K Yoshida, JY Wang, XK Ma, N Wang, ... Communications biology 4 (1), 671, 2021 | 70 | 2021 |
Genomes of leafy and leafless Platanthera orchids illuminate the evolution of mycoheterotrophy MH Li, KW Liu, Z Li, HC Lu, QL Ye, D Zhang, JY Wang, YF Li, ZM Zhong, ... Nature Plants 8 (4), 373-388, 2022 | 66 | 2022 |
The genome of kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.) provides insights into bast fibre and leaf shape biogenesis L Zhang, Y Xu, X Zhang, X Ma, L Zhang, Z Liao, Q Zhang, X Wan, ... Plant Biotechnology Journal 18 (8), 1796-1809, 2020 | 66 | 2020 |
Characterization of a Saccharum spontaneum with a basic chromosome number of x = 10 provides new insights on genome evolution in genus Saccharum Z Meng, J Han, Y Lin, Y Zhao, Q Lin, X Ma, J Wang, M Zhang, L Zhang, ... Theoretical and Applied Genetics 133, 187-199, 2020 | 63 | 2020 |
Target enrichment sequencing of 307 germplasm accessions identified ancestry of ancient and modern hybrids and signatures of adaptation and selection in sugarcane (Saccharum … X Yang, J Song, J Todd, Z Peng, D Paudel, Z Luo, X Ma, Q You, E Hanson, ... Plant Biotechnology Journal 17 (2), 488-498, 2019 | 54 | 2019 |
SunUp and Sunset genomes revealed impact of particle bombardment mediated transformation and domestication history in papaya J Yue, R VanBuren, J Liu, J Fang, X Zhang, Z Liao, CM Wai, X Xu, S Chen, ... Nature Genetics 54 (5), 715-724, 2022 | 52 | 2022 |
Reference genomes of the two cultivated jute species L Zhang, X Ma, X Zhang, Y Xu, AK Ibrahim, J Yao, H Huang, S Chen, ... Plant biotechnology journal 19 (11), 2235-2248, 2021 | 47 | 2021 |
Mimicking livor mortis: a well-known but unsubstantiated color profile in sapromyiophily G Chen, XK Ma, A Jürgens, J Lu, EX Liu, WB Sun, XH Cai Journal of chemical ecology 41, 808-815, 2015 | 47 | 2015 |
The spinach YY genome reveals sex chromosome evolution, domestication, and introgression history of the species X Ma, L Yu, M Fatima, WH Wadlington, AM Hulse-Kemp, X Zhang, ... Genome biology 23 (1), 75, 2022 | 36 | 2022 |
Signatures of selection in recently domesticated macadamia J Lin, W Zhang, X Zhang, X Ma, S Zhang, S Chen, Y Wang, H Jia, Z Liao, ... Nature communications 13 (1), 242, 2022 | 33 | 2022 |
The functional significance of complex floral colour pattern in a food‐deceptive orchid X Ma, J Shi, H Bänziger, Y Sun, Y Guo, Z Liu, SD Johnson, Y Luo Functional Ecology 30 (5), 721-732, 2016 | 23 | 2016 |
The unique mouse pollination in an orchid species Y Wang, Y Zhang, XK Ma, L Dong Nature Precedings, 1-1, 2008 | 21 | 2008 |
Construction of high-density genetic maps defined sex determination region of the Y chromosome in spinach L Yu, X Ma, B Deng, J Yue, R Ming Molecular Genetics and Genomics 296, 41-53, 2021 | 19 | 2021 |
Pistachio genomes provide insights into nut tree domestication and ZW sex chromosome evolution S Kafkas, X Ma, X Zhang, H Topçu, R Navajas-Pérez, CM Wai, H Tang, ... Plant Communications 4 (3), 2023 | 18 | 2023 |
Rapid propagation in vitro and accumulation of active substances of endangered Dendrobium cariniferum Rchb. f W Lin, J Wang, X Xu, Y Wu, D Qiu, B He, S Sarsaiya, X Ma, J Chen Bioengineered 11 (1), 386-396, 2020 | 17 | 2020 |
Auxin regulated metabolic changes underlying sepal retention and development after pollination in spinach M Fatima, X Ma, P Zhou, M Zaynab, R Ming BMC plant biology 21, 1-15, 2021 | 15 | 2021 |
Quantitative studies of floral color and floral scent Q Li, X Ma, J Cheng, Y Luo Biodiversity Science 20 (3), 308-316, 2012 | 15 | 2012 |