Krystian Adam Erwiński
Krystian Adam Erwiński
Departament of Automatics and Measurement Systems, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun
Потвърден имейл адрес: umk.pl
Application of Ethernet Powerlink for communication in a Linux RTAI open CNC control system
K Erwinski, M Paprocki, L Grzesiak, K Karwowski, A Wawrzak
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 60 (2), 628 - 636, 2013
Energy efficient local path planning algorithm based on predictive artificial potential field
R Szczepanski, T Tarczewski, K Erwinski
IEEE Access 10, 39729-39742, 2022
Optimal scheduling for palletizing task using robotic arm and artificial bee colony algorithm
R Szczepanski, K Erwinski, M Tejer, A Bereit, T Tarczewski
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 113, 104976, 2022
Synchronization of electrical drives via EtherCAT fieldbus communication modules
M Paprocki, K Erwiński
Energies 15 (2), 604, 2022
Neural network contour error predictor in CNC control systems
K Erwinski, M Paprocki, A Wawrzak, LM Grzesiak
Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics (MMAR), 2016 21st …, 2016
A novel sensitivity analysis to moment of inertia and load variations for PMSM drives
T Tarczewski, R Szczepanski, K Erwinski, X Hu, LM Grzesiak
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 37 (11), 13299-13309, 2022
Real-time jerk limited feedrate profiling and interpolation for linear motor multi-axis machines using NURBS toolpaths
K Erwinski, A Wawrzak, M Paprocki
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 18 (11), 7560 - 7571, 2022
PC-based CNC machine control system with LinuxCNC software
M Paprocki, A Wawrzak, K Erwiński, K Karwowski, M Kłosowiak
Measurement Automation Monitoring 63 (1), 15-19, 2017
Comparison of Constraint-Handling Techniques Used in Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm for Auto-Tuning of State Feedback Speed Controller for PMSM
R Szczepanski, T Tarczewski, K Erwinski, LM Grzesiak
Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Informatics in Control …, 2018
A state-space approach for control of NPC type 3-level sine wave inverter used in FOC PMSM drive
T Tarczewski, LM Grzesiak, A Wawrzak, K Karwowski, K Erwinski
Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences Technical Sciences, 439-448-439-448, 2014
Comparison of NURBS trajectory interpolation algorithms for high-speed motion control systems
K Erwinski, M Paprocki, G Karasek
2021 IEEE 19th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference …, 2021
PSO based feedrate optimization with contour error constraints for NURBS toolpaths
K Erwiński, M Paprocki, A Wawrzak, LM Grzesiak
Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics (MMAR), 2016 21st …, 2016
Nature inspired optimization of jerk limited feedrate profile for NURBS toolpaths in CNC machines
K Erwinski, R Szczepanski, T Tarczewski
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Modern Materials …, 2021
Accelerating PSO based feedrate optimization for NURBS toolpaths using parallel computation with OpenMP
R Szczepanski, K Erwinski, M Paprocki
2017 22nd International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and …, 2017
An autonomous city-wide light pollution measurement network system using LoRa wireless communication
K Erwinski, D Karpinska, M Kunz, M Paprocki, J Czokow
Sensors 23 (11), 5084, 2023
Experimentally validated vector Lyapunov function-based iterative learning control design under input saturation
P Pakshin, S Mandra, J Emelianova, E Rogers, K Erwiński, K Gałkowski
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 32 (1), 189-201, 2023
Elastyczny układ sterowania CNC maszyn bazujący na PC
Mechanik 4 (2008), 299-303, 2018
Neural network contour error prediction of a bi-axial linear motor positioning system
K Erwinski, K Kowalski, M Paprocki
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Informatics in Control …, 2019
Feedrate Planning for a Delta Parallel Kinematics Numerically Controlled Machine using NURBS Toolpaths
G Karasek, K Erwinski
Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Informatics in Control …, 2022
Minimalizacja błędów nadążania w wieloosiowych maszynach CNC poprzez zastosowanie sterowania predykcyjnego z neuronowym modelem obiektu regulacji
M Paprocki, K Erwiński, L Grzesiak
Przegląd Elektrotechniczny 88 (4b), 169 - 174, 2012
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